Date: March 17, 2015 To: Michael Green From: Steve Rippl Subject: Tech Dept. Executive Summary
Things are ramping up for us in the Tech Department. Preparations continue for the new phone system and hopefully next week we’ll get delivery of the handsets to deploy. The week after that Ednetics will be installing their server equipment and we’ll be working with them on the configuration before the actual cutover during Spring Break. We’re close to being as fully prepared as we can be, but it’s still a daunting thing to be switching phone systems.
At the same time things are heating up for the new building and reconfiguration. Projectors and access points were handed over the contractor and much of it has been installed already. We’re waiting on E-rate timelines to order the switches for the new school, but as soon as they arrive in April we’ll be in there to bring up the network (we’re doing that work ourselves). The changes to the current network we’ve been making has freed up the subnets that will reside over there. This, combined with the room allocations that have happened means we’re already preparing machines for specific rooms. And just this week we’ve got the room allocations for the new Middle School campus so we’ve begun to take stock of how all that equipment will move. Still waiting on Primary and Intermediate School plans, but they should be forthcoming soon.
And of course we’re getting into the largest round of online testing we’ve done so far with LRA actually starting as early as next week.