Mon Mar 23 2015, 5:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


Update on Reconfiguration Planning and Approval of Additional Services Agreement for Eric Lanciault, Architect

Eric Lanciault was hired last spring to design a scope of small works that included:

"Improvements at three schools: the primary, intermediate and middle school which will include the current high school campus. Each project is intended to increase school security by redirecting public entries into administration cores. Each school will require some amount of interior modifications and the primary and middle schools may require a small to moderate amount of exterior modifications. In addition, each school will receive a limited number of access control installations in doors that are to be designated once design has begun. The purpose for installing access controls on some doors is to eliminate the current situation in which many community members have unauthorized keys and can access the buildings.”

“The scope of work at the primary school includes remodeling an existing classroom space into the school administration area. The remodeling work will include all new finishes and casework. I assume the existing ceiling and lighting will generally remain, however, some minor modifications may be required. In addition to this interior remodeling work, an existing window will be removed and its opening will be modified to accommodate a new door. Placing the door in this location will require a very small amount of work to the adjacent sidewalk to provide an accessible entrance. In addition to this remodeling work, programming for the current administration area will be required to determine its future use.”

“Similar to the primary school project, the intermediate school project will convert an existing window, located near building's main entrance, into an entry door that directly accesses the existing administration area. A small amount of interior remodeling may be required to accommodate this change and it may include modifications to existing casework or pieces of new casework. As part of the work in the intermediate school, I will discuss the potential for revisions to door locking and exiting with the City of Woodland Building Official. At this time, however, I am not including any renovation work associated with this issue.”

“The middle school work scope includes creating a new "front door" entrance and minor to moderate remodeling of the existing administration area. To access this new entry, the area outside of the building that extends to the street will be modified in some way to create an inviting entrance into the building. When we looked at the site together, we discussed the potential for constructing a new entrance sequence leading to the new door that may include attractive fencing and gates, a new sign, and new landscaping and hardscaping. Lastly, the existing gymnasium has some cracking damage that will be investigated. At this point, it is not clear whether this is a structural or cosmetic issue. Depending on the results of the investigation, a path forward will be defined and implemented.”


As we have progressed through the process of development on these projects we have asked Eric to complete an expanded scope of work.  We are still refining that scope but it will include:

Primary School: Remodel the existing school office area into a conference room with adjacent offices and renovate two existing toilet rooms. The scope will include modifications to architectural, mechanical, and electrical systems.

Middle School - LRA: Remodel the existing District offices to create classroom space for the Lewis River Academy. This will also include some minor remodeling of the existing adjacent computer lab.

Middle School - Landscaping: Construct a pedestrian "gateway" and signage piece to designate the new middle school entrance.

All Schools: Assist with compiling a project manual for the proposed access controls upgrades to each school and identify/specify the extent of site fencing

 Eric will be present to share with the board the planning to-date on these projects.

Attached Files:
150319_additional services draft 03_470.pdf application/pdf 24K
150323_presentation_school board_470.pdf application/pdf 2M