March 9, 2015 5:00PM Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room
Janice Watts, Jim Bays, Tina Cayton, Matt Donald, Jeremy Stuart, Kurtis Patterson-Student Representative, Michael Green-Board Secretary and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary
See attached list.
Jim Bays moved to approve the February 9, 2015 regular meeting minutes as revised.
Matt Donald yes Tina Cayton yesJim Bays yesJanice Watts yes carried
Tina Cayton moved to approve the February 23, 2015 regular meeting minutes.
Jeremy Stuart yesMatt Donald yesTina Cayton yesJim Bays yesJanice Watts yes carried
Student ReportKurtis Patterson said that spring sports started last Monday, including soccer, baseball, fastpitch, girls’ golf, boys’ soccer and track. Kurtis is selling coupons for a WHS Class of 2015 Drug & Alcohol-Free Party. The coupons are for a pancake breakfast at Applebee’s in Salmon Creek on March 28th from 8-10am. Students will be volunteering to serve at the breakfast.
Other ReportsTina Cayton asked John Shoup about the new CTE offerings. He said that marine engine repair was one of the classes and that Rose Ruff’s Leadership Class would be under the CTE umbrella next fall. Tina asked how many students attend the Skills Center. John said that they presently have 28 students attending. She also asked Steven Carney how the Primary School got a 40% reduction in behavior referrals. Steven said that each week they look at factors such as time, location and grade levels of behavioral incidents, and work on training and increasing positive behaviors. Jim Bays asked about the influx of high needs special education students this year. Deb said there are 2 students at Fir Grove that cost $30,000. Tina asked if there are more students because people are recommending our District’s Special Education program. Deb said that she’s heard that is the case. Matt Donald asked Asha if the curriculum team was stepping away from the Engage NY for English Language Arts. She said that the District has used Engage NY for math, but that they wanted to look at English Language Arts curriculum.
Michael Green shared the revised schedule for bond refunding of current WSD Bonds that ESD 112 provided. Mark Prussing will be at the next meeting to discuss a bond refunding resolution with the Board. Michael said that the Skills Center open house on March 12th from 4-8pm, will be a good opportunity to see their new buildings and learn about their programs. The new WHS site is progressing quickly and under budget. Construction should finish on time. Administrators are focusing on reconfiguration.
CWU Running Start AlertCurrently, Running Start students can qualify for college credit for a minimal cost. The Governor’s proposed budget will eliminate this element from Running Start High School programs. Michael asked Board members to call legislators and ask them not to eliminate this Running Start element. Matt Donald asked Michael to draft a letter from the Board regarding this. He said that he would do so and route it to them for signatures, to save time.
Jim Bays asked Board members when they could meet with ESD 112 staff to work on the culture initiative survey questions. They discussed this. Jeremy Stuart said that he can give them his questions, as he is unable to attend. The members decided to have a work session on March 23rd before the regular Board meeting at 4pm.
Kurtis Patterson said that he was asked by a custodian to bring up to the Board, what can be done about a sink that smells in the boys’ locker room. Michael explained that there is a system to report maintenance issues, such as this. John Shoup and Dan Uhlenkott were present and said they would take care of reporting this tomorrow.
Please see attached. Jim Bays asked that voucher CP-6270 be removed from the consent agenda to be voted on separately. He also asked about a voucher for Ridgefield School District for Google Pro Development. Shari Conditt said it was for an ESD 112 training program that both Woodland and Ridgefield school district staff members attend. Michael said that the District must be the fiscal managers for that program.
Tina Cayton moved to approve the consent agenda with voucher CP-6720 removed.
Matt Donald moved to approve voucher CP-6270.
Jeremy Stuart yesMatt Donald yesTina Cayton yesJim Bays noJanice Watts yes carried
WHS Change Order #20Michael Green summarized Change Order #20 items, which totaled $25,033.00. One of the items is part of a successful solution to a lighting manufacturer defect that could have delayed the opening of the new school.
Jeremy Stuart moved to approve Change Order #20.
Janice Watts yesJim Bays yesTina Cayton yesMatt Donald yesJeremy Stuart yes carried
Resolution No. 2595-Declaring Support for New Library Facility in WoodlandNoel Johnson and Sharon Watt thanked the Board for their support of a new library facility in Woodland. Noel gave an update on Woodland projects.
Jim Bays moved to approve Resolution No. 2595-Declaring Support for New Library Facility in Woodland.
President, Janice Watts, recessed the meeting into executive session at 5:41pm to discuss matters under RCW 42.30.110 (F) and RCW 42.30.110 (1)(g), with no action to be taken upon return.
President, Janice Watts, reconvened the meeting into regular session at 9:50 pm.
President, Janice Watts, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 9:50 pm.
_______________________________ Secretary to the Board
____________________________________ President
____________________________________ Director