May 13, 2013 6:00PM Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room
Jim Bays, Janice Watts, Bill Woodard, Tina Cayton, Jeremy Stuart, Tayler Summers-Student Representative, Michael Green-Secretary, Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary
Stacy Brown, Asha Riley, Cari Thomson, Deb Kernen, Dan Uhlenkott, Chris Wiseman, John Shoup, Eric Lanciault, Mark Houk
Bill Woodard moved to approve the April 22, 2013 regular meeting minutes as presented.
Jeremy Stuart yes Tina Cayton yesBill Woodard yes carried
Jeremy Stuart moved to approve the April 29, 2013 special meeting minutes as presented.
Jim Bays yesBill Woodard yesJeremy Stuart yes carried
Student Representative Report Tayler Summers reported that spring sports are ending. Currently the Track, Girls’ Softball, Soccer and Girls’ Golf teams are involved in District competitions. Girls’ Golf is undefeated. The Trap Shooting team went to a State competition last weekend. Class Officers and ASB Officers elections end tomorrow.
Other ReportsBill Woodard asked if the National Board work was wrapping up. Cari Thomson said that Rebecca Blanshan from WMS, was testing. Kari DeBower, Kelly Sloniker, Kristy Podelnyk and Joe Bosch are still working on their certification. John Shoup said that Mike Lindsay, Liz Deese, Nelean Warndahl and Aaron Blackwelder, from the WHS had tested. Chris Wiseman said that Kelly Heald, from WIS, had tested for this.
*Janice Watts arrived at 6:06pm to the meeting.
Mr. Green said the most notable thing to report this week is that work has begun at the new WHS site; 15 days ahead of schedule. He received an email Saturday and another today from the Wetlands Biologist regarding the Army Corp of Engineers review of the alternatives analysis. The consultant is working on the final rewrite of the alternative analysis. Michael was told that things “look solid”. The Alternatives Analysis will likely be forwarded to Seattle in the next week. Once the alternatives analysis is accepted the District will propose our mitigation plan, using wetland credits. This is the Army Corp of Engineers preferred method of wetlands mitigation.
Bill Woodard asked Asha Riley if her staff members were involved in the National Board certification process. She said that Mark and Kim Knudson were participating.
Identification of Board Members Who Will Deliver Diplomas Jeremy Stuart will deliver diplomas to TEAM High students on Wednesday, June 5th. Jim Bays will be available to deliver diplomas to WHS students on Friday, June 7th.
First Reading of Revisions to Policy No. 1310 Since we post policies electronically, Michael recommended that we update the policy to reflect our current practice. The Board discussed the process. This policy will be brought to the next meeting for second reading and approval.
WIS Title 1 School-Wide Plan Chris Wiseman gave an overview of the WIS Title 1 School-Wide Plan. The purpose of the plan is to facilitate systemic change in the educational program of high-poverty students. Their goal is for student growth. The primary outcomes are to have highly qualified teachers working with the most at-risk students, and to maintain building-wide focus of increasing understanding and implementation of differentiated instruction.
Bill Woodard moved to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Jeremy Stuart yesTina Cayton yesBill Woodard yesJanice Watts yes carried
Approval at First Reading on the Recision of Policy No. 6957 WSSDA recommends eliminating Policy No. 6957, as it conflicts with Policy No. 6950. The wording for the change orders is imbedded in Policy 6950. The Board discussed this. Tina said that she thought the policies supported each other. With Policy No. 6950, the Board can grant the Superintendent authority to change orders if additional costs do not exceed the approved contingency for the project, so that if time is an immediate factor, the project won’t suffer.
Jeremy Stuart moved to approve the recision of Policy No. 6957
Janice Watts yesBill Woodard yesTina Cayton yesJeremy Stuart yes carried
Naming of Stadium at New Woodland High SchoolArchitects are suggesting that the name of the stadium and the mascot be painted on the north side of the stadium at the new High School site, so it can viewed from the freeway. The administrative recommendation is that it should be named Beaver Stadium and, when the new stadium opens, rename the current stadium to Trojan Stadium.
Janice Watts moved to retain the name "Beaver Stadium" for the new High School and upon opening of the new stadium rename the current Field "Trojan Stadium".
Adoption of Revisions to Policy No. 6215 at First Reading This revision is adding wording authorizing expenditures in excess of $2500 for fees associated with permitting, planning, and inspection of approved capital projects without prior Board approval.
Janice Watts moved to approve revisions to Policy No. 6215 at first reading as presented.
Authorization to Go to Bid on Yale Gym RemodelEric Lanciault gave the Board a pre-bid overview of the Yale Gym remodel. The Board discussed the remodel.
Jeremy Stuart moved to accept the plan for the Yale Gym remodel and authorize the superintendent to seek bids for the project.
Tina Cayton said that she would like to revisit the Change Order policy. She said she was concerned that it gave too much authority to one person. Jim Bays agreed that it is a responsibility that should include checks and balances. He will work with Michael and return with this item at the next Board meeting.
President, Jim Bays, recessed the meeting into executive session at 7:25pm to discuss the Superintendent evaluation, allowed under RCW 42.30.110(1)(g), with no action to be taken upon return.
President, Jim Bays reconvened the meeting into regular session at 8:24pm.
President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 8:24pm.
_______________________________ Secretary to the Board
____________________________________ President
____________________________________ Director