To: Michael Green
From: Deb Kernen
Date: 8/21/2012
Re: Progress Center Contract
As you know, Progress Center is located in Longview and has been providing 0-2 services for over a decade for our district. They provide an extensive array of services for families of handicapped children. Some of the services provided include: Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech/Language Pathology, Special Education services in the home and in-center, classroom, child find screenings, Neurodevelopmental Testing and nurse consulting.
Progress Center qualifies children according to state regulations and our district is provided all the paperwork/information. Our staff and I review the records and are included in the yearly Individual Family Service Plan. We have typically averaged about 7 children per month being served through this program. Once the child turns 3 and continues to be developmentally delayed they transition into our special ed. Preschool if they continue to qualify for services.
I am happy to report that the contract cost per student has remained the same as last year. I would like to recommend that we accept this contract.