Thu Mar 23 2023, 6:15pm
WHS Room 1204
Regular Meeting


Financial and Enrollment Report

To: Michael Green, Superintendent

From: Stacy Brown, Director of Business Services

Date: March 17, 2023

Subject: Financial/Enrollment Report

A lot has been going on in my world in the past month.  The auditors started their review on February 27th and are completing a one-year (21-22) financial and Federal audit and a 3-year accountability audit.  I have been busy meeting with them and pulling documents for their review.  I have also been working on the OSPI Consolidated Program Review (CPR), again pulling support documentation for our State and Federal programs.  The Qmlative migration (new version of Skyward that we will be moving to in July) is ramping up with training (2 and a half days in Bellevue and multiple pieces of training and zoom meetings at and with the ESD), including learning, set up and clean up meetings. I also spent yesterday in Renton at an InTouch User Group meeting. InTouch is our third-party cash receipting and online payment system. They have developed a fully web-based platform that we will be converting to sometime in the new future. Needless to say, I have not finished up the February month-end close-out and reports.  I will have February and March reports and projected fund balance updates next month for the April meeting.


The first enrollment document (page 1) is a summary by headcount for March, with a comparison to February. The counts by grade level include the Yale, LRA, and TEAM High numbers (all totals for the district).  The section below shows the total March headcount for those buildings compared with the previous month's headcount.  Overall, we are now down seven students from February.  The majority of the decrease (9 students) is in the 9th and 12th grades at WHS. Increases in other grades helped to lessen the total decrease.  

The second enrollment document (page 2) shows a comparison of average FTE compared to budgeted FTE.  Funding is based on FTE (not headcount), so this is an important document.  Funding is based on our average annual FTE (which includes September and March at this time).  For March, we are 24.32 over budget, and the average for the seven months is 38.28 over budget.  Because the current headcount is less than our average, if we stay constant or continue to drop, the average will continue to decrease each month.  You can also see the Special Education enrollment numbers and how they compare to the budget.  Special Education enrollment average is figured from October through May.  The numbers you see here are from October through March, and the average has increased over the past few months.  We are 5.67 students over budget at the PK level and still 12.67 below budget and the KG-age 21 level.  The PK numbers are generating additional revenues to cover the added PK staff at NFES.  The less than budget at K-21 results in less revenues but also results in less expenditures as we still have unfilled positions. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Attached Files:
Enrollment Reports.pdf application/pdf 120K