Mon Nov 24 2008, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


November 10, 2008 Regular Meeting Minutes



November 10, 2008 6:55PM
Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room



Jim Bays, Bill Woodard, Janice Watts, Tina Cayton, Steve Madsen, Chelsey Rohm-Student Representative, Michael Green-Secretary, and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary



See attached list


Jim Bays, Board President, opened the meeting at 6:55pm and adjourned to executive session to discuss a property matter with no action taken upon return.

Jim Bays adjourned the executive session and returned to regular session at 7:00pm.

Tina Cayton moved to approve the minutes of the October 27, 2008 regular Board meeting.

Janice Watts yes
Steve Madsen yes
Tina Cayton yes carried



Chelsey Rohm said that the ASB asked if or when a bond for the new high school was coming up this year. Jim Bays said that they don't foresee a new proposal at this time, due to the economy. Chelsey said the canned food drive is this week. Breanna Wolf was named homecoming queen. Chelsey missed the last meeting because she attended the DECA Fall Leadership Conference with 17 other students.



The Board reviewed the school reports. Jim Bays asked John Shoup about the attendance at the conferences. John said he continues to be disappointed and frustrated by the low parent attendance. Jim said the reports were very informative.


Mr. Green showed the Board a flyer for a fall fundraising event for TEMPO called "An Evening of Swing" happening this Saturday at the Oak Tree.  He encouraged the Board to attend.

Lynn Schmitz won first place at the State Floraculture Competition. Last week, Michael went with Jennifer Cullison's class to the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center on a field trip. He said students were able to see researchers work. This is an example of the work that the High School is doing to help students explore career opportunities.



Janice Watts said that she received a ballot in the mail for the District 4 State Board of Education position. Jim Bays said that the other members should also receive one and he encouraged members to get them turned in as soon as possible.




 Review of State of KWRL Meeting
Steve Madsen and Janice Watts attended the KWRL Board meeting. The agenda packet from that meeting was included in the packet. Steve thought that the meeting was interesting and said that they seem to have a knowledgeable group of Superintendents. He said that he could see that relocating the KWRL site could become controversial. Michael said that the group discussed the purchase of 11 buses. Janice Watts said that everyone at the meeting was on the same page and looking at long-term solutions to transportation issues. Michael said that the group also has discussed exploring options for providing in-district transportation for Special Services students without using ESD 112's service. It could be potentially expensive because of the number of buses needed, but they are still researching ideas. Jim thanked Steve and Janice for representing the Board at the meeting.

Woodland High School Site Comparison
About a month ago, the School Board reviewed the Site Comparison. Michael Green and Doug Nichols refined the comparison and did more investigation on the wetlands issue out at Dike Access Road. Michael said they received encouraging information. The Board discussed the updates to the comparison with Doug Nichols. Lisa Willis and Frances O'Kelly were available from Ecological Land Services to discuss wetland mitigation with the Board.

*Bill Woodard joined the meeting at 7:45pm.

Michael said he would like to begin work on the communication strategies to bring the information to the public. The Board would like to put the site comparison on the agenda for the next meeting for further discussion.

Project READY!
Mark Houk and Mary Franklin, WPS Early Childhood Teacher, gave a presentation about Project READY! Mary was proud to bring the program to Woodland and is providing 50 families with the information and a bag of items to help train parents to get their children ready for Kindergarten. Mary was able to get WinCo Foods in Longview to provide totes for the toolkit and the Bill Woodard asked her for a contact name to write a thank-you letter for the donation.

Washington State Board of Education Accountability Plan
Michael said he attended a meeting last Friday about the Washington State Board of Education Accountability Plan which could have implications for the Board. The draft plan outlines what steps the Board of Education would take if schools fail to meet a WASL based standard established by the State Board. The Board reviewed highlights of the PowerPoint presentation with Mr. Green. He said that Board members may learn more about this at the WSSDA conference next week. Michael said some school districts are taking a stand by writing against this. He shared one of these letters from Vancouver School District. The Board discussed the information.

*The Board told administrators, Chelsey and other audience members that they could leave the meeting as it was getting late. They moved the last Discussion Item to the end of the agenda so that Stacy Brown would be able to leave after the consent agenda was discussed.

Consent Agenda
The Board discussed the consent agenda.

Bill Woodard moved to approve the consent agenda.

Tina Cayton yes
Steve Madsen yes
Janice Watts yes
Bill Woodard yes carried


 Superintendent Evaluation Tool
Jim Bays said that the last few times the Board did a Superintendent evaluation they discussed changing the tool. He and Michael looked at other sample evaluations. Board members agreed that they like the present format, but would like to remove some questions and add other questions that they felt were important. The purpose of Jim putting this on the agenda was to change the evaluation tool before they need to use it for Michael's evaluation, which is due before March 1. Tina, Jim and Janice will be attending the WSSDA conference next week and may be able to get more information there. Jim said that he would work with Michael on this. Bill Woodard said he would participate if they needed help, unless a newer member would like to take his place.

Board President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 8:59pm.


Secretary to the Board








Attached Files:
Board Mtg Attendance List 11-10-08.pdf application/pdf 276B