September 12, 2016, 5:30 p.m.Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room
Janice Watts, Sarah Stuart, Lesa Beucher, Matt Donald, Steve Madsen, Jamie Gonzales-Student Representative, Michael Green-Board Secretary, and Nicole Galloway-Recording Secretary
Asha Riley, Vicky Barnes, Shari Conditt, Ingrid Colvard, Jake Hall, Steven Carney, Dan Uhlenkott, John Shoup, Stacy Brown, Deb Kernen and Angela Campbell.
President Janice Watts called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Shari Conditt spoke on behalf of the Woodland Education Association and thanked the board for the new contract. She said it was fair and represented the needs of the teachers. She thanked the board for their support of educators.
Director Lesa Beuscher moved to approve the minutes from August 22, 2016.
Director Watts – yesDirector Stuart – yesDirector Beucher – yesDirector Donald – yesDirector Madsen – yes
Director Sarah Stuart moved to approve the minutes from August 29, 2016.
Special Education Report – Director Donald asked Deb Kernen, Special Education Director, about the high Special Education enrollment number and if we could manage them. Deb Kernen spoke about the enrollment number and how special services is making staffing adjustments to effectively serve children with disabilities. She informed the board that she is watching the caseload very carefully. Superintendent Green commented that Deb Kernen does a masterful job and is a strong advocate for all kids. Director Watts asked if the 285 enrollment number was the highest we have ever had and if other districts were seeing increases as well. Deb Kernen replied that this is the highest we have had. In the past couple of years, it was around 270. She also noted that other districts have increased numbers.
Teaching and Learning Report – Director Beuscher asked Asha Riley if the new teachers are receiving extra help and guidance at the start of the school year and will they continue to receive this throughout the year. Assistant Superintendent Asha Riley informed the board that she and the teachers would be meeting in a couple of weeks and again at the end of the school year to identify areas where they were being supported effectively and where additional support was needed. She also noted that the new hires have the support of the instructional coaches and principals.
Director Madsen thanked the administration team for the topical bullet format they have been using on the board reports because it makes it a lot easier to digest all that information.
Michael Green thanked Director Watts and Director Madsen for attending the All Staff Breakfast. He also introduced the new student representative, Jamie Gonzales.
Superintendent Michael Green informed the board about the upcoming WSSDA Regional Meeting on September 28 in Kelso.
Director Madsen commended Superintendent Green for an impressive presentation at the All Staff Breakfast.
Director Madsen updated the board members on a meeting held with the Superintendent and WHS principal regarding the Trust Fund, which provides scholarships and discussed a possible strategy to increase the funding for scholarships. He suggested that a committee be created to meet and brainstorm ideas on how to make the trust funds sustainable. He recommended it be a larger committee and will make sure community members are involved. Mr. Madsen agreed to convene and initially chair the committee with hopes of identifying a community member who would chair.
Director Donald moved to approve the creation of a Trust Fund committee.
Director Madsen and Director Stuart said that they would not be able to attend the October 10 board meeting. It was discussed and agreed to cancel the October 10 meeting. The board will consider authorization of payment of bills for October at their September 26 meeting.
Effective School Boards: Chapter 6 – The board discussed the text. Director Donald commented that the work of the administration team makes him feel great as a board member. Director Watts noted that the school board often looks at the long-range plans and does it very well. Director Stuart asked how the board can resolve issues and is there more that the board can do to help by creating new policies. Michael Green stated that administrative team is working on these conversations and will back to the board in the future. Director Watts noted that the first question the school district and board should ask, regarding every decision, is it in the best interest of the kids. Director Donald noted that it is hard to remember all the items discussed for future planning and asked if it would be possible to create a running list that was attached to each meeting agenda.
Legislative Priorities – Director Steve Madsen asked all the board members to email him their top three and he can take the information with him to the 2016 Legislative Assembly on September 23-24, 2016.
2016 State Mandated Assessment Results – Assistant Superintendent Asha Riley presented a power point presentation on the 2016 state assessment results. She noted that typically Woodland School District performance is equal or higher than State results. However, this year student performance was a lot lower. The PowerPoint presentation provided details on English Language Arts and Mathematics performance. It showed overall performance as well as breakdowns by gender, race and ethnicity. Asha explained that we missed the mark, and she provided the school board with the planned next steps to get the numbers back up. First, Woodland School District adopted the i-Ready Assessment System, a K-8 assessment tool to help provides meaningful performance data. Second, the district will dive deep into student performance data and analyze contributing factors. Third, Woodland School District will be partnering with WSU Vancouver to collect and analyze the data. Lastly, we will develop refined district and school level improvement plans.
Director Donald noted that the assumption slide on the presentation has a lot of information. He was confident that we would be fine in the future. Asha Riley noted that she was disappointed, but not alarmed, with the data results. She continued by saying there will be a lot of work to do, but she is not worried.
Director Donald moved to approve the consent agenda.
Collective Bargaining Agreement between Woodland Public Schools and Woodland Education Association.
Director Madsen moved to approve the collective bargaining agreement
Director Watts – yes
Director Stuart – yesDirector Beucher – yesDirector Donald – yesDirector Madsen – yes
Agreement with Fir Grove/Vista Children’s Center for the Placement of an Out-District Student
Director Donald moved to approve the agreement with Fir Grove/Vista Children’s Center
President Watts adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
_______________________________Secretary to the Board
____________________________________ Director