Mon Apr 25 2016, 5:30pm
Woodland Primary School Library
Regular Meeting


Financial/Enrollment Report

To: Michael Green, Superintendent
From: Stacy Brown, Director of Business Services
Date: April 20, 2016

Subject: April Financial/Enrollment Report


I have attached the 2015-16 Budget vs. Actual and Comparison to 2014-15 and all Fund Budget Status

reports for the month of March. March apportionment, as well as the actual transportation allocation, is

out and I have been working on updated projected revenues, expenditures and ending fund balance. I

will get estimated ending fund balance to you as soon as I have it completed.

Revenues were $445,000 greater than expected. I worked with OSPI and finally worked out the K-3

High Poverty funding for this year. There was an issue with the reconfiguration and renumbering of the

buildings and my staffing report wasn’t matching up, so they showed that we were out of compliance

and hadn’t given us the funding. The total for the year is approximately $480,000 and we got 60% of

funding in March (approx. $288,000). The transportation allocation was based upon the previous year’s

allocation. In March they updated to the actual allocation which is $193,000 more than last year, so we

received 60% of that increase in March (approx. $115,000). I also realized the food service deposits had

not been recorded for a couple of months, so they were about $16,000 greater than they normally would

have been.

Payroll was approximately $73,000 greater than expected. We have quite a number of staff out on

leave, some receiving paid leave and some unpaid. We are also paying the substitutes for these

positions (certificated sub pay was about $10,000 greater than in prior years and classified sub time was

also about $10,000 greater than in prior years). We had two full-time staff members resign and paid out

$7,000 in unused vacation. Base certificated salaries are up about $11,000 and classified base salaries

are up $15,000 since October. This accounts for the additional positions that we have hired that were

not budgeted and why payroll was more than estimated.

Accounts payable was about $147,000 greater than expected. We had a fuel drop of almost $40,000 this

month. We paid almost $10,000 to LCC and Central Washington University using the dual funds grant.

We are paying more than budgeted for utilities, currently paying approximately $30,000 per month to

Cowlitz PUD, and the February payment did not get paid, so we paid two payments in March. I

reviewed all expenditures and the amounts paid do not look unusual.

The enrollment spreadsheets are also attached, with summaries by headcount for September through

April and a comparison of budgeted FTE to actual average FTE. Headcount decreased by 5 students,

and FTE decreased by 7.55 FTE. The average FTE is still more than 95 students above budget. This is

the main reason that apportionment is up so much higher than budgeted. I will continue to keep you

apprised each month and will let you know how this affects the projected ending fund balance.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Attached Files:
Budget vs Actual.pdf application/pdf 112K
Fiscal Year 2015.pdf application/pdf 223K
Headcount.pdf application/pdf 119K