Mon Feb 23 2015, 5:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


February 9, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes



February 9, 2015 5:00PM
Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room



Janice Watts, Jim Bays, Tina Cayton, Matt Donald, Kurtis Patterson-Student Representative, Michael Green-Board Secretary and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary



See attached lists.



Tina Cayton moved to approve Jeremy Stuart’s absence from the meeting.

Matt Donald  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



Jim Bays moved to approve the minutes of the January 26, 2015 regular meeting and the February 2, 2015 special meeting.

Matt Donald  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



Student Report
Kurtis Patterson said that 8 wrestlers are heading to regionals next weekend at Hudson’s Bay. They’re competing to get into districts.  The WHS Boys’ Basketball Team compete with Hockinson tomorrow. Matt Donald asked if tomorrow’s game was the last to be played by High School athletes in the gym.  Kurtis said it was. John Shoup said that Paul Huddleston will have a halftime event to celebrate the last game in the gym, and will get a picture of it.

Other Reports
Tina Cayton asked Steven Carney about WPS students learning to test on computers.  She asked how they know the students are learning.  Steven said that the staff are just trying to teach the students how to do it, and to get them feeling comfortable with taking tests on the computers. Tina also asked how they come up with the percentage of learning goals. Malinda Huddleston said that teachers make goals and after 2 weeks see how many students got to the standard, and what they can do to if there are any gaps in learning. Tina asked how she can get the WHS newsletters. John Shoup said the best way is to go to the WHS website and click on the lead article.



Michael Green reminded the Board that the scheduled board retreat has been postponed due to a schedule conflict with one Board member.



The Board received a letter from Friends of Woodland Community Library, asking for written support from the Board for a new library in Woodland. Michael suggested that the Board may wish to do a resolution of support for this. The Board agreed to do a resolution at a future meeting for this.



Kathie Griffin, Director of Parents’ Place in Longview, told the Board that Malinda Huddleston was instrumental in supplying excellent data for the READY for Kindergarten grant. She presented Malinda with a certificate of appreciation for her service to Parents’ Place. 



Rita Walker and Nick Massie read statements that are attached. Tami Lubecky said Cheryl Nesbitt and Holly Royle are scheduled to go to court regarding their termination in April or May. She is concerned over the cost of this to the District and said that the Board should re-look at this, as she believes there was never an investigation and that they were never talked to before they were terminated.   



Matt Donald said he attended a second transportation meeting and gave kudos to Shannon Barnett for his work on this.  He said that the name for the transportation model discussed for potential implementation in the coming year is the “hybrid” model. He asked when the transportation report of the outcome of the meetings will be. Michael said it will be on the next Board meeting agenda.

Jim Bays read a statement regarding citizens’ request to terminate the Superintendent. He asked that approval of his statement be added as an action item on tonight’s agenda. The Board agreed, and this was added as an action item. (See attached.)



Policy Discussion : Policy 1400
Michael went over revisions to Policy 1400, which merges 1400, 1410, 1420 and 1430 regarding Board meetings. The policy will return on the next agenda for second reading and approval, along with the approval to delete Policy Nos. 1410, 1420 and 1430.

Nick Massie suggested allowing late-comers to sign up on the agenda and non-agenda comments’ list after the meeting starts, and be given to the Board President, just before she asks for comments. He said he now wants the Board, not to work on parliamentary procedure, but on issues.

Culture Initiative
Jim Bays read his proposal of what he calls a “Culture Initiative”, which starts with an employee survey with help from ESD 112, regarding the employee/administration relationship atmosphere. The Board discussed the process.

Public Comments:
An unidentified woman asked how the Board planned to respond to the employee concerns from the survey. The Board said they won’t know until they hear the concerns.

Nick Massie said he’s upset, but that this is a positive step. He said some people that he represents, are not confident in taking surveys on the school computers, as they don’t trust that they will be anonymous. 

Tami Lubecky said that she’s seen positive results come from Survey Monkey where she attends school. She thanked Jim for suggesting this.

Holly Royle thanked the Board for adding this to the agenda. She said she’s waiting for the Board to ask her what caused her termination.

Janice Watts asked the Board how they wanted to proceed with this initiative.  Jim said he thinks a committee of the Board should sit down with ESD 112 to discuss the survey. Jim Bays and Tina Cayton volunteered to be the committee. 



Jim Bays asked that warrant CP-6259 be separated from the balance of the consent agenda and voted on separately.  Tina asked about how the High School pays for uniforms. Stacy said that the District pays $10,000 for WHS and $5000 for WMS extra-curricular supplies, which can be used for uniforms. Matt Donald asked if the Harm’s leave request extension could be pulled from the consent agenda to discuss in an Executive Session.

Jim Bays moved to approve the consent agenda with the exception of CP-6259 and Nancy Harm’s leave request extension.

Matt Donald  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried

Tina Cayton moved to approve warrant number CP-6259.

Matt Donald  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jim Bays  no
Janice Watts  yes  carried

Jim said that he wanted to vote no for this warrant because he’s dissatisfied with the architects’ response to the GeoGrid issue.  Tina Cayton said that if they did the services for this particular warrant, then she feels she should vote yes; if not, then no. She agrees with Jim’s dissatisfaction for that issue, but she think they should get paid for this voucher. Michael said the Board should meet with legal counsel in executive session to discuss this.



Approval of Letter of Support of the Superintendent

Jim Bays moved to approve the letter of support of the Superintendent.

Matt Donald  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



President, Janice Watts, recessed the meeting into executive session at 6:44pm to discuss matters allowed under RCW 42.30.110(1)(g), with action to be taken upon return.

President, Janice Watts, reconvened the meeting into regular session at 6:56 pm.

Matt Donald moved to approve Nancy Harm’s leave of absence extension.

Janice Watts  yes
Jim Bays  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Matt Donald  yes  carried



President, Janice Watts, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 6:59pm.


Secretary to the Board







Attached Files:
Board Supt. support letter 2-9-15.pdf application/pdf 61K
consent agenda 2-9-15.pdf application/pdf 25K
Massie statement 2-9-15.pdf application/pdf 113K
sheets 2-9-15.pdf application/pdf 121K
Walker statement 2-9-15.pdf application/pdf 64K