Mon Dec 15 2014, 5:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


November 24, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes



November 24, 2014 5:00PM
Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room



Janice Watts, Jim Bays, Tina Cayton, Matt Donald, Jeremy Stuart, Kurtis Patterson-Student Representative, Michael Green-Board Secretary and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary



Lan Ha, Kelley Wilson, Paul and Malinda Huddleston, and Steven Carney.



Tina Cayton moved to approve the minutes of the November 10, 2014 regular meeting.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Matt Donald  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



Turf Field Infill Options
Michael Green discussed the new WHS turf infill options with the Board. Crumb rubber fill is what is standard in the industry. There was recently a report on NBC news that a UW Soccer coach wondered if there were health hazards for students who played on turf fields; but there is no research-based evidence that shows any link to adverse health impacts.  Michael discussed Crumb Rubber, Nike Grind and Sprinturf Coolfill infill options with the Board. The Board consensus was to stay with the Crumb Rubber fill.

WHS Turf Field Graphics
The Board discussed the new WHS field graphics. The price tag for both end zones and centerfield logo was higher than anticipated at $53,000. Paul said he would like to get the centerfield logo, which costs about $18,000; however, he thinks the cost of the end zones would be a frivolous expense. He volunteered to do more fundraising by selling more bricks from his current fundraiser, to pay for the centerfield logo.  The Board discussed the logo with Paul and Michael. The consensus was that the centerfield “W” should be approved with the caveat that every effort be made to raise funds to support this.  Michael said that they might be able to cut the cost of the logo if the paint was not a custom color.



Student Report
Kurtis Patterson said there was not much to report. Winter sports, including Girls’ and Boys’ Basketball and Wrestling, started last Monday.

Other Reports
Asha Riley was unavailable to discuss reconfiguration, but Michael said that he can have Asha do a presentation on the current reconfiguration work being done, at the next meeting. Jeremy asked if the WMS will have separate principals when it becomes a grades 5-8 school.  Michael said that there will be one principal and one assistant principal for the school. Matt asked if the cabling project allowed for more WiFi hotspots in the buildings. Michael said it did. Tina questioned the computer purchases, as she thought buying in small amounts from different vendors could raise costs. She asked if there is a purchasing plan for computers each year. Michael said that they buy from negotiated bids.

November Construction Report
Kelley Wilson gave a report regarding construction progress, schedule, financial review and critical issues. He said it’s difficult to see the progress at this stage, as it is all little items and internal drywall. They are on schedule and things are going well.  The project is 60% complete. They have used about 61.5% of the budget. Critical issues of a contractor bid error and architect Geogrid/Footing conflict were discussed in meetings in October. There has not been any resolutions of these issues yet. The Board discussed an option of an anti-graffiti coating. No decision regarding the coating has been made yet. Matt Donald asked if the Board can get another tour of the site, as it’s been a while since they have seen it.  Michael said that he can arrange that with them.



Michael Green said buildings are busy working on teaching and learning, staff development, revisions to report cards and reading curriculum.  He negotiated and signed a WEA letter of agreement regarding the reconfiguration that will make the transition smoother. He said staff is looking forward to the long holiday weekend.



Spencer’s HeartStrong Foundation Thank You
The Board viewed a thank you letter that they will be signing, to say thanks to Spencer’s HeartStrong Foundation for their generous donation of $8000 to our AED program.






Jim Bays asked if the public had access to the consent agenda, as he just noticed that he couldn’t access it unless he logged in. Michael said he will check on that. Jim said he thinks that the public should be able to view the financial information.

Jim also asked about when they will consider having another Board retreat. Last year’s retreat was scheduled in January. Jim pointed out that January is coming up quickly.



First Reading of Revisions to Policy No. 5240-Evaluation of Staff
Michael said that he had asked the attorney to look at this policy, and he said that current pieces, which are WSSDA recommended, are outside what statute requires and are extraneous. This can make things more problematic. Attorney, Buzz Porter, recommends that we simplify the policy. More of the old policy’s wording was added to the procedure. This will be added to the next agenda for second reading and approval.

First Reading of Revisions to Policy No. 6220-Bid Requirements
Michael reviewed this policy in consideration of the small works roster item that is on this agenda. He recommended adding the line from WSSDA’s recommended policy that provides additional clarity to the responsibility of the Superintendent in the development of the procedure. Tina thought this policy was interesting and she said that it makes her question how we make purchases. She asked if the policy came from the Board or the State. Michael said it comes from the State. Kelley Wilson said that the State recently raised the limits and lessoned the requirements for bids. This will be on the next agenda for second reading and approval.

First Reading of Revisions to Policy No. 6000-Program Planning, Budget Preparation, Adoption and Implementation
As Stacy Brown was working on the year-end closeout, she noticed that we hadn’t updated this policy years ago when we had changed from a second class district to a first class district. She’s recommending this update. It will be on the next agenda for second reading and approval.



See attached consent agenda. Matt asked about Mitch Kochis. Michael said he is the High School Counselor, with a background in baseball coaching.

Jeremy Stuart moved to approve the consent agenda.

Janice Watts  yes 
Jim Bays  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Matt Donald  yes
Jeremy Stuart  yes  carried



Approve Resolution No. 2594 Regarding Small Works Roster
Michael said that statute allows the District to have a small works roster process, but the District hasn’t used one before, due to the development and maintenance being cumbersome and time consuming. Mayor Laseke suggested that the District use MSRC’s roster. The process allows, within certain cost thresholds, for the District to get quotes, bids, and to some extent negotiate pricing, on small capital improvements. The cost is $800 per year, which is fairly cheap and provides the District with more diversity of vendors.  The Board discussed this. Matt says that it is good and expedites the process for small projects. Tina said that the numbers from the policy on bid requirements didn’t match the resolution. Michael said he would check the numbers. Jim said that this is positive for management, but it lacks safeguards. He understands that the formal bid process is cumbersome, but he’s not comfortable with this process. He thinks it does not provide the best value.

Matt Donald moved to approve Resolution No. 2594 regarding small works roster, with corrected dollar amounts in the policy.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Matt Donald  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried

Approve Change Order #015
Kelley Wilson discussed the change order #15 summary and said that the overall change orders on the new WHS construction project is at the low end of industry standards.  Skanska is proactive with finding ways to keep costs down.

Jim Bays moved to approve Change Order #015.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Matt Donald  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried

Second Reading and Approval of Revisions to Policy No. 3242-Closed Campus
Michael said this policy had not changed since the last Board meeting.  Jeremy asked who kept track of the students’ academic, behavioral and attendance for them to be allowed to leave campus, currently? Kurtis explained the process, which includes advisory teachers, counselors and Tish Brand.  The Board received a survey of area districts regarding open/closed campus.  The Board discussed this policy.  Matt said he likes the idea of having GPA tied to allowing juniors and seniors to leave campus, as it gives students something to aim for. Janice says she’s for closed campus. She said John Shoup had mentioned other ways for students to feel they have special privileges.  Tina agreed with Janice and says they need to support the recommendation that the administrators provided.  Jeremy said that he’s against the open campus because he’s seen a lot of fatalities at freeway entrances, and is concerned about that. Jim says he supports an open campus policy. He says administrators aren’t going to solve off-campus problems, but may bring those problems on to campus. Jeremy said that maybe after a year of closed campus, the Board could revisit the idea of open campus tied to the students’ GPA.

Jeremy Stuart moved to approve revisions to Policy No. 3242-Closed Campus.

Janice Watts  yes 
Jim Bays  no
Tina Cayton  yes
Matt Donald  abstain
Jeremy Stuart  yes  carried

Jim wanted to talk about the policy for bid requirements again.  He said that he wanted to see if Board members were interested in a dedicated purchasing agent or co-op for the District. He doesn’t know if it would be practical or not. Tina said she’d like to see the District have purchasing guidelines to follow. Jim said he trusts staff, which is why he showed support by changing his vote for the resolution, but would like a trained staff person making purchases.  Michael said that a full-time purchaser might not be a savings, but he will explore the option.  Tina said that the amount we would’ve saved by not leasing the copiers would pay for someone for 10 years.  She said that the Board wouldn’t question purchases if they knew guidelines were being followed. Jim said it may not be a savings for a full-time purchasing agent, but maybe the District could co-op together with other districts interested in the same thing.  Michael said he will look into this.

Janice reminded everyone to think about the Board retreat. Jeremy asked when the Chamber Banquet is going to be. Michael said it is Saturday, January 24th. Matt Donald asked what it would take to pave the gravel road to the Primary School from the District Office.  Michael said they have been somewhat resistant to do that because of speeders.  Matt said it is a safety issue. Kurtis said that there are potholes near the WHS gym that need to be fixed. Michael said he’d put a work order in for that.



President, Janice Watts, recessed the meeting into executive session at 7:25pm to discuss matters allowed under RCW 42.30.110(1)(c), RCW 42.30.110(1)(i), RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) and RCW 42.30.140(4)(b), with no action to be taken upon return.

President, Janice Watts, reconvened the meeting into regular session at 8:05 pm.



President, Janice Watts, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 8:05pm.


Secretary to the Board







Attached Files:
consent agenda 11-24-14.pdf application/pdf 28K