July 28, 2014 5:00PM Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room
Janice Watts, Tina Cayton, Matt Donald, Kurtis Patterson-Student Representative, Michael Green-Board Secretary and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary
Shari Conditt, Kristie Stevens, Carl Riggs, Asha Riley, Stacy Brown, Nick Massie and Kelley Wilson.
Tina Cayton moved to excuse Jim Bays and Jeremy Stuart from the meeting.
Matt Donald yesTina Cayton yesJanice Watts yes carried
The July 14, 2014 minutes were tabled to the next meeting due to lack of a quorum of members from the July 14th meeting for approval.
Kristi Stevens and Shari Conditt were present to answer questions regarding a WHS field trip to Washington, D.C. next June. They’ve never heard of anyone from Woodland going on a field trip there and wanted to take students to get the experience. Board members were very impressed and supportive of the proposal.
Matt Donald moved to approve the consent agenda.
Janice Watts yesTina Cayton yesMatt Donald yes carried
Student ReportKurtis Patterson said that school starts in a month. Practice starts in 3 weeks. He won’t be able to do sports this fall, but is looking forward to watching his brother and others participate. He’s heard the APX class in the gym this summer is a lot of fun, with Mr. Huddleston joining in on the exercises.
July Construction ReportKelley Wilson presented his report to the Board. He showed them an aerial view of the WHS construction site progress. His summary consisted of updates to the building, schedule, financial review and critical issues. The building’s site, north wing, south wing, Commons and gyms are progressing well. Kelley said we’re on schedule. He said he will add the contingency balance to his reports from now on. He said that they are about a third of the way through the project. The critical issue of the grandstand snow-loading claim was discussed. The grandstand subcontractor asked the Woodland Building Department to lower the snow load criteria. This request was denied. Kelley did not know what the contractors will do yet. They can drop the issue or take it to mediation. The District will not pay for the error. However, the work is moving forward.
Michael Green said that the Yale School water project begins Monday and should be done by August 20th. He and Stacy Brown thought the timber profit from the removal of trees from the property by the Fire Department up at Yale would be around $2000, but the District has received about $15,000. He is still working on Change Order #11. It will include a revision to firewalls at the new site and a switch from analog to digital system for the audiovisual connections in the classrooms. The State released preliminary assessment scores. Woodland students continue to do well.
Michael showed the Board a thank you letter from former student, Michael Mentler, for scholarship money.
Custodial and Maintenance Management ReviewMichael asked Teater Consulting to do a District custodial and maintenance management review. The purpose of the report was to identify strengths and weaknesses as the department currently exists. He was also asked to evaluate the staffing and performance of the system against industry standards. Dave Teater, via telephone, discussed the report with the Board. He recommended that, in order to meet industry standards, the District hire 2 more maintenance workers, 2 more grounds workers and 4 more custodians to care of our current facilities. These hires should be phased in. He also recommended establishment of cleaning standards and procedures and include principals in the evaluation process. Dave also recommended that the District purchase a computerized maintenance system for work orders and setting preventative maintenance schedules. Michael will work on updates to policies for the Board. Dave said a significant amount of custodial work goes toward food service, and he recommended that food service should pay more to custodial services. He said it would be good to develop a sinking fund for equipment replacement and building systems for upgrades. The report said that the District should establish a “culture of cleanliness”. Matt Donald asked if the report included the new facilities, or if the numbers were for existing facilities. Dave said it was for existing facilities. If we start to implement the recommendations, it will make it easier when the new building is completed, because the new building won’t require substantial maintenance right away. The new computerized maintenance management system will help get buildings on preventative maintenance schedules. Michael said that Kelso School District has just done a similar review. He’s been talking with them and anticipates working with them on how they’ve developed their culture of cleanliness. Matt Donald asked for more information about what the current custodial and maintenance staffing is at the buildings, in order to get a good picture of what we have now. Michael will provide the Board with this information. Tina said this work coincides with Steven Carney’s Primary School beautification project. Michael said Steven’s working on this with PTSA volunteers. The District will purchase the supplies and the volunteers will be doing the work.
Goal 3 Action Planning: 2014-2015 Budget WorkshopEach Director received a copy of the details of the budget. Stacy reviewed the budget with the Board. This included the summary for all funds, budget highlights, enrollment history, FTE comparison of 2013-2014 budget and 2014-2015 budget, summary of sources and uses funds, detail revenue summary, detail expenditure summary and revenues by category/expenditures by object and activity summary. The budget will be on the next agenda for a hearing and Board approval.
Ratification of Change Order #10The Board reviewed the components of the change order, which totaled $1045.
Tina Cayton moved to approve the ratification of Change Order #10.
Second Reading and Approval of Revision to Policy No. 3110-Qualifications of Attendance and PlacementThis policy was tabled from the last meeting to discuss with Board members who were absent. Jeremy Stuart was still absent, but Janice was present to review the policy. The policy had not changed since the last presentation. Members discussed the policy. Michael explained that Deb Kernen had researched this policy. She found that students who start Kindergarten with language barriers already have a hard time keeping up with others. Starting them early would leave them further behind. Janice said she feel this policy will help students in the long run.
Matt Donald moved to approve the revision to Policy No. 3110-Qualifications of Attendance and Placement.
Second Reading and Approval of Policy No. 2020This policy was modified from the first reading. Matt Donald had asked that Asha clarify who could request to review, reconsider or remove instructional materials, and what the process is. She added an informal piece to the process. He said it looks good.
Tina Cayton moved to approve the revision to Policy No. 2020- Curriculum Development and Adoption of Instructional Materials.
Approval of Annual Amendment to Sodexo Food Service ContractStacy said we need to approve the annual amendments to the Sodexo contract, which updates the dates of the contract and the guaranteed dollar amount that the District receives for sales. If we don’t receive this amount, Sodexo will make up the difference.
Tina Cayton moved to approve the amendment to the Sodexo contract as presented.
President, Janice Watts, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 7:23pm.
_______________________________ Secretary to the Board
____________________________________ President
____________________________________ Director