Mon Mar 10 2014, 5:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


February 24, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes



February 24,  2014 5:00PM
Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room



Janice Watts, Jim Bays, Tina Cayton, Matt Donald, Jeremy Stuart, Tayler Summers- Student Representative, Michael Green-Board Secretary and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary



Stacy Brown, Kelley Wilson and Asha Riley.



Tina Cayton moved to approve the February 10, 2014 regular meeting minutes.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Matt Donald  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



Student Report
Tayler Summers reported that this was the first full week of school in February, due to weather and the holiday. The WHS Varsity Girls’ Basketball team won the championship at the districts competition. The WHS Varsity Boys’ Basketball team will play in the State championship. Spring sports start Monday.  Two WHS Wrestlers, Zach Wardle and Nathan Cloud, placed at State.

Other Reports
Jim Bays said that he really likes having the construction update. Jeremy Stuart asked if there was really a drone on the construction site. Kelley Wilson said that there was. He said they hired a guy with a drone to get views of the progress. He reminded the Board that there is a webcam link so that they can watch the progress, also.

Michael stated that the Chromebooks that Steve Rippl mentioned in his Tech Report have been tested and found to be a great tool.

Michael updated the Levy Proposition Vote Analysis today. He thought that this election was interesting, but had shockingly low turnout.



Michael Green said that the State has awarded a grant for art for the new High School. John Shoup had worked with a committee on this grant for art in public buildings.

The WMS Robotics Team will be going to Nationals. The paperwork had not made it in time for the publishing of this agenda, so it will be on the next one.  The Board had no concerns about paying any of the bills for the trip, before the next meeting.  The Calendar Committee met and modified the 2014-2015 school calendar, and created a 2015-2016 calendar.  These will come to the Board for approval at their next meeting.  A WSSDA Regional meeting will be held in Camas on March 19th.  The Board discussed Michael’s report. Jim Bays asked what could be done about better turnout for the next election.  Michael said that in the future he would encourage a citizen’s committee to become more involved.



CRC Letter of Support was sent on behalf of the Board, by Michael. He shared that letter with the Board.






Tina Cayton and Jeremy Stuart said they will not be at the next meeting.



Proposal for Ongoing Engagement on Goals
Michael and Janice Watts had talked about the lack of time at the Board retreat to work on goals in a manner that would allow them to really focus on the work. Michael proposes that the Board work on goals throughout the year on a cycle basis. The Board agreed that this was a good idea.

Revision to Goal 2
Jim Bays proposed an addition to Goal 2 with wording that reflects what he would like to see the Board and Administration working on, in regards to safety and security. Jim feels that the Board made a promise to voters to do more for safety and security; but, he said that not much has been done.  He would like to get staff and community input. Matt Donald would like to see benchmarking in the planning process. The Board discussed this. Asha Riley suggested that a committee that included police, fire, citizens and administrators work on a plan. Jeremy suggested it should be a small focus group, as opposed to a big forum.

Matt Donald moved to add Jim Bays’ proposed wording as a sub goal under Goal 2. 

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Matt Donald  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried

Janice said that Michael will bring back ideas in April.

Purchasing Card Update
Tina Cayton had had questions regarding the Procurement Card practices.   They reviewed the response prepared by Stacy Brown. Tina asked about where the credit card points go, or if they are used. Stacy said she hadn’t set aside rebates; they go back into the general fund. She said if the Board wished to set aside the rebate dollars for something specific, she could do that. Janice asked if the Board would like to discuss earmarking the rebates— they did not. Tina said Stacy had provided answers to her questions.



See attached consent agenda. Michael said that item #7 of the payables, a PUD bill, had been paid already, with the ascent of the Board.

Jeremy Stuart moved to approve the consent agenda.

Janice Watts  yes 
Jim Bays  yes
Tina Cayton  yes 
Matt Donald  yes
Jeremy Stuart  yes  carried



WHS Phase 2 Change Order 2
Kelley Wilson, Construction Services Group (CSG), was present to go over the work progress at the new WHS site.  He explained the Change Order items with the Board.

Jim Bays moved to ratify the approval of Change Order 2 for the new WHS.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Matt Donald  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried

PUD Easement for New WHS Property
Michael said that the PUD requested an easement for the installation of underground electric service on the new WHS property. He said this was a standard agreement.

Tina Cayton moved to approve the easement with PUD as presented.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Matt Donald  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



President, Janice Watts, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 6:02pm.



Secretary to the Board







Attached Files:
consent agenda 2-24-14.pdf application/pdf 34K