Mon Nov 9 2009, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


October 26, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes



October 26, 2009 7:00PM
Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room



Jim Bays, Janice Watts, Bill Woodard, Tina Cayton, Chelsey Rohm-Student Representative, Michael Green-Secretary, and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary



Patricia Stepp, Craig Downs and Stacy Brown.



Bill Woodard moved to approve Steve Madsen's absence from the meeting.

Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



Tina Cayton moved to approve the minutes of the October 12, 2009 regular meeting.

Janice Watts  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Tina Cayton  yes  carried



Chelsey Rohm reported that there was no ASB meeting this month.  They hope to have one next week.  It's early release the rest of this week and parent conferences are Thursday.



The Board had no questions about the Tech or Financial/Enrollment reports.




Michael said that Steve Rippl proposed that the Board older laptops be replaced with netbooks, allowing the laptops to be used for board use outside of meetings. The netbooks would be more easily networked, more reliable and quite affordable.  The Board discussed the proposal.  There were no objections.   Michael will have Steve proceed with the plan.

Jim Bays had asked Michael to check to see if it was feasible to refund bonds. After checking, Michael said that it is not feasible at this time.



Following a JV football game a Woodland parent was accused of inappropriate behavior.  Michael finally was able to view the video and concurred with the complaint. Tomorrow the Principal and coach will go to Ridgefield to formally apologize.

Steve Rippl has set up a place on the website for parents to sign up for emailing lists. Once the parent subscribes to a list he/she will begin to receive newsletters, or mailings from that group.

Tomorrow at the Chamber meeting at noon, candidates for the Woodland School District Director 5 position, Steve Madsen and Pat Stepp, will discuss their views.

Michael met with Doug Nichols about wetlands and property issues.  Doug told Michael that he (Doug) and Lori Williams have offered to work with the district on all of the pre-bond and informational work associated with presentation of a bond.  Payment for this work would be due only after successful bond passage. They would deal with committees, architects and do the informational publications.  He told Doug that it may be something that the Board could be interested in, but he would run it by them.  Traditionally, architect firms do this sort of work, then, once the bond passes, they become the architects for the project. Former board member, Steve Bosen had previously proposed that the architectural firm we have heretofore worked with be paid on a time and material basis for services so that the District wasn't beholden to them. If ESD provides those services, they would not be competing with the architect.  Jim Bays asked if it was appropriate to consider this with a bond a year or more away.  Michael said that he believes it is, as the wetlands and other pieces need work now. There was some question about whether this could ultimately be paid from the Capital Projects Fund. Stacy said that the funding options for this could come out of Capital Projects or the bond, but it would depend on the work. Michael said that he would investigate this further.






Pat Stepp said that her report from Yale was that it was wet up there and that kids were sick.







Bill Woodard and Steve Madsen are set to go to the KWRL meeting on Thursday at 7:00 pm at the KWRL building.

Jim Bays said that the Board meetings haven't been making the list of meetings in the Columbian. Michael said he would have Tegan Steen find out how to be sure we are on the list.

Bill Woodard asked members to look over the WSSDA Conference agenda and let him know if they would like information on any of the topics. He is attending and will report back to the Board.

Craig Downs said that there will be one playoff game in football with the loser of the WF West and Black Hills game. We'll play them on November 6th.

Jim Bays said that he heard that Centralia's Athletic Dept. got a car donated and sold raffle tickets for it starting during the summer. They had the drawing at the WF West Centralia game and made $43,000.



Impact Fee Deferral Proposal
The City Council has been looking at ways to support construction in Woodland by deferring impact feel until after the sale of property. The City Planner sent Michael a draft of the proposal for their Impact Fee Deferral Program.   The Board discussed this.  Jim Bays had some procedural issues with it. He wondered if the District would be in the first lien position for the fees. Michael said that usually taxes are due first, but he will find that out. Jim wanted to make sure that the agreement didn't limit us from increasing fees in some way. He also wanted to know how long the agreement is effective.  Michael told the Board that he believed the city can start this program without the Board agreeing to it but they do want to work with the district.

Policy No. 3225-Personally Owned Telecommunication and Electronic Devices

Mr. Green said that this policy looks at the appropriate use at inappropriate times and the inappropriate use issues. Jim Bays says he didn't think the language was strong enough about the cell phone use during class.  The Board discussed the policy.  Chelsey said that it cell use depends on the teacher.  She feels it needs to be more policed.  Tina Cayton said that she doesn't think students should bring their phones to class, but should be allowed to use them at their lockers and learn about time management and to take responsibility for themselves.  Michael said he'd talk with the Administrative Team more about the wording. The Board requested that this be put on the agenda as a discussion item at the next Board meeting.




Consent Agenda
The Board discussed the consent agenda.  Mr. Green indicated that Mr. Shoddy has requested a one-year leave of absence from his position as Wrestling coach and that Darrell Gleason will be taking his place for the season.  This is not reflected in the current consent agenda but will be addressed in the first meeting in November.

Bill Woodard moved to approve the revised consent agenda as presented.

Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



Board President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 8:14pm.



Secretary to the Board





