Mon Jun 22 2009, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


WCE Report

To: Michael Green, Superintendent
From: K, Griffin, Community Liaison
For: School Board Meeting 6-22-09


The numbers for summer camps have increased over the last couple of weeks as people suddenly realize school will be out on the 18th and they start thinking about activities for the summer. I refunded the swimming registrations and have gotten complaints from two very unhappy customers. I believe I forwarded one call to your voicemail when yelling at me for ten minutes did not seem to satisfy this grandmother. There are two hunters' education classes on the books for summer with good numbers for both of those classes.

Facility use business will be brisk this summer. We have placed the rental tables and chairs at the Middle School in the locker room to make it easier for the District Office to access the equipment. I have attached a thank you note for the use of the Commons from Benny Herren's daughter Lynn for his 80th birthday celebration.

The health card testing has not been implemented. I am not sure if the District wants to continue with the contract because the language requires certain operational hours and someone on site (Mon through Fri) at posted times to test. I am happy to report that the City of Woodland budgeted $4000 out of the parks fund for the request I submitted last fall. I have invoiced them for the amount and Mari Ripp indicated that prospects were good for that amount to be budgeted for WCC next year as well. I have given the information to Stacy and Missy regarding time lines for requests and billing.

I indicated in the summary last month that we did not receive the grant from CINTAS for the AED. Tegan is tracking federal legislation which might give us another opportunity for several AEDS. My final Safe Schools Coalition meeting will be June 23rd. I have attached the article that was in the Reflector regarding Woodland being the best in state for our work on the Prepared Response data. I would like to suggest that Tegan be included in the Safe School's summit on August 13th.

The numbers for WCC and YCC are attached. Missy will be moving to the cafeteria for the summer months for the program. She routinely has several special events and field trips scheduled for the summer. These are the items that she fund raises for during the year to help offset costs associated with these events. WCC also makes great use of the park and the library during the summer.

As I stated last month my final day with the District will be Tuesday, June 30.


WCC Report

We have 6 new registrations so far for summer. Many of our school year kid's will continue for the summer. We are getting ready to kick off our summer with our annual cookie dough fundraiser next week. No field trips have been scheduled at this point. I will wait until fundraiser closes. The last couple weeks have been as low as 20 kid's to 37 kid's after school. We are planning to make baby blankets for Life Hope again this year if we can get some donations for fabric. We will be going to Horseshoe park twice a week, public library program on Wednesdays, focus on our reading everyday for ½ hour, we are planning to repaint the 4 square lines this summer on the playground too. We are looking forward to a great summer, having some fun, getting some rest and making some new friends! Thank You Missy


Attached Files:
reflector article.pdf application/pdf 897B
thank you.pdf application/pdf 162B