Mon Mar 9 2009, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


WIS Report

Woodland Intermediate School

Woodland School Board Monthly Update

February 2009

Throughout the month of February professional development opportunities for staff were primarily focused on reading. 

On Monday, February 2nd Mo Anderson presented DIBELS data to staff.  Staff members used the data as a tool to reflect upon their classroom instruction, identify trends, and select specific areas of focus within their classroom for the second half of the year (vocabulary, written response, fluency, etc.).  This was also an opportunity to analyze class size, balance between classes, and restructure student reading groups where appropriate. 

Monday, February 23 was used as an opportunity for teachers to reflect upon their own instruction in the area of reading.  Staff members used CRISS strategies to reflect upon what they have learned, what they have implemented, how it has worked, and questions that remain regarding reading instruction and Imagine It.  The activity was specific to the three days that Dr. Jan Rauth has spent in our building demonstrating reading lessons for staff members.  All teachers have now had an opportunity to observe Dr. Rauth teach a minimum of three lessons.  This experience had proved to be very valuable.  We will look to continue this working relationship with Dr. Rauth in the future.  

A second area of focus for the month of February was WASL style assessment.  On Monday, February 9th staff members collaborated in grade level teams to analyze practice WASL assessments, identify trends within their grade level and classroom, and create plans as to how they are going to address the trends that were identified.

WIS has partnered with the Portland Trail Blazers to recognize WIS students who are experiencing success.  Every student who was recognized at the conclusion of the second quarter as an "Achiever" in one of the four areas that we identify had an opportunity to receive one free ticked to a Trail Blazer game of their choice.  We have had many students take advantage of this opportunity and attend games.  The WIS staff was also recognized by the Trail Blazers and was able to purchase tickets at a greatly reduced rate.  On Wednesday, February 18th approximately 27 WIS staff members and guests attended a game together.  This proved to be a wonderful opportunity to enhance personal relationships between staff members. 

WIS staff members are in the preliminary planning stages of a family reading activity.  The activity will incorporate information pertaining to our reading curriculum, how parents can assist their children as developing readers, a book exchange, and possibly food and beverages.  We are planning on hosting the activity after WASL testing is complete.

Students and staff participated in a Spirit Day on February 27th.  The theme was Favorite Decade Day.  The highlight of the day included a spirit assembly that took place during the last 30 minutes of the school day.  The assembly included publicly recognizing Student of the Month award winners and class competitions.  Approximately 80% of students and staff participated in the dress up activity.  Spirit Days continue to be incredibly popular among our students.