Thu Jun 22 2023, 6:15pm
WHS Room 1204
Regular Meeting


North Fork Elementary Report

To: Michael Green

From: Denise Pearl

Date: June 15, 2023

RE: North Fork Elementary School Report

Field Day was a success!

We had 45 parent volunteers that helped to make the day special for our students. There were 37 game stations for students to participate in and earn prizes. Mrs. Aschoff and Mrs.Pearl were in the “dunk station,” as earned by students making their book reading goal of over 6000 books read in the school year!

Eagle Pride Assembly

Today we had an all-school assembly celebrating our students’ growth and achievements for the entire school year. Staff and students dressed up and walked the red carpet with the whole school applauding their accomplishments. Our students set goals this year and experienced what it feels like to achieve their goals.

Volunteer Reception

We have appreciated the many volunteers in our building this year; classroom, lunch buddies, and office support. Our students made them a thank you video, and we spoiled them today with Crumbl Cookies and a special pin. Our Kids at Hope program emphasizes the importance of meaningful adult connections, and our volunteers exemplify that for our students! We need and appreciate our positive community support for our students, teachers, and staff!