December 15, 2008 7:00PMRegular Meeting-District Meeting Room
Jim Bays, Bill Woodard, Janice Watts, Steve Madsen, Michael Green-Secretary, and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary
Craig Downs, Kathie Griffin, Stacy Brown, Deb Kernen and Eric Jacobson.
Bill Woodard moved to approve Tina Cayton's absence from the meeting.
Steve Madsen yesBill Woodard yesJanice Watts yes carried
Janice Watts moved to approve the minutes of the November 24, 2008 regular Board meeting.
Board President, Jim Bays, turned the meeting over to Michael Green for the annual Board re-organization. Michael asked for nominations for President of the Board.
Bill Woodard nominated Jim Bays for president. There were no other nominations.
President, Jim Bays, asked for nominations for Vice-President.
Janice Watts nominated Bill Woodard for Vice-President. There were no other nominations.Steve Madsen yesBill Woodard yesJanice Watts yes carried
Jim Bays asked for nominations for the WIAA Board Representative. Bill Woodard described the position to Board members.Bill Woodard nominated Tina Cayton for the WIAA Board Representative. There were no other nominations.Steve Madsen yesBill Woodard yesJanice Watts yes carried
Jim Bays called for nominations for the Board Legislative Representative.Bill Woodard nominated Janice Watts for the Board Legislative Representative. There were no other nominations.Steve Madsen yesBill Woodard yesJanice Watts yes carried
Chelsey Rohm was absent from the meeting due to snow and ice at her home. Michael Green read the report that she emailed to him. She reported that winter sports have begun. There was a parent-run PJ Dance over the weekend. Students are looking forward to the winter break.
Since there is only one meeting in December, all reports were submitted for Board review.
The District implemented School Messenger this week. So far, it is working well. There will be messages in both English and Spanish set up in the system.Today, KWRL Superintendents made the decision to provide in-district Specialized Transportation, as opposed to ESD 112 providing this service. The KWRL Superintendents think that KWRL will be able to do this more efficiently.Brent LiaBraaten had a choir concert on December 8th and is holding a band concert this evening. The jazz band performed at Rotary today. Brent is doing a great job with the music department this year.Michael received information from Terry Bergeson about state budget cuts. He said that he has begun discussing budget with Administrators and WEA. This will be the toughest budget year yet.
The Board discussed Michael's report. Bill Woodard said that he's heard great things about Brent LiaBraaten. He asked about using the School Messenger system for when teams are late returning from away games. Michael said some lists have to be manually added, but eventually the system will be used for truancy, meeting reminders, mealtime account notifications, and could alert parents about returning team's status.
The Board reviewed a letter they will send to Jennifer Cullison and Allison Daun congratulating them on receiving their National Board Certification.
Steve Madsen said that he enjoyed the WPS Christmas program today.
WHS Site Selection Process: Public Engagement OverviewThe Board reviewed a draft plan for a presentation that Michael Green and Eric Jacobson will give in the community. The purpose of the presentation is to gather feedback from the community about which site is best for the Board to consider for a new high school. Eric explained what will be presented to the focus groups and about a survey that they will take. The Board discussed the materials and gave suggestions for changes and additions. Jim Bays told the Board that when the presentation is ready, they will see the trial run.
Policy No. 2413-Equivalency Credit for Career and Technical Education Courses-First Reading This policy must be in place for cross crediting CTE courses with core academic classes. This is the first reading of this policy and it will return on the next agenda for a second reading and approval.
Consent AgendaThe Board discussed the consent agenda. They removed item 3-B-iv.Steve Madsen moved to approve the consent agenda less item 3-B-iv.Janice Watts yesBill Woodard yesSteve Madsen yes carriedPolicy No. 3126-Child Custody-Second Reading and ApprovalBill Woodard moved to approve Policy No. 3126-Child Custody as presented.Steve Madsen yesBill Woodard yesJanice Watts yes carriedPolicy No. 4130-Title I Parental Involvement-Second Reading and ApprovalJanice Watts moved to approve Policy No. 4130-Title I Parental Involvement as presented.Steve Madsen yesBill Woodard yesJanice Watts yes carried
Resolution No. 2521-403(b) Plan Bill Woodard moved to approve Resolution No. 2521-403(b) Plan as presented.Steve Madsen yesBill Woodard yesJanice Watts yes carried
Interlocal Agreement with the Port of WoodlandThere was a minor change in the agreement in item #5. It added the percentage to make it "100% of the amount collected to the District, retaining the remaining 100% as compensation for its management duties". The Board discussed the agreement.Janice Watts moved to approve the Interlocal Agreement with the Port of Woodland.
Board President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 9:03pm.
_______________________________Secretary to the Board
____________________________________ President
____________________________________ Director