Mon Oct 27 2008, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


October 13, 2008 Regular Meeting Minutes



October 13, 2008 7:00PM
Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room



Jim Bays, Bill Woodard, Janice Watts, Tina Cayton, Steve Madsen, Chelsey Rohm-Student Representative, Michael Green-Secretary, and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary



See attached list.


Tina Cayton moved to approve the minutes of the September 22, 2008 regular meeting.

Steve Madsen yes
Tina Cayton yes
Bill Woodard yes
Janice Watts yes carried



Chelsey Rohm reported that the Homecoming Princesses were chosen. They are Breanna Wolf, Staci McLendon, Chelsea Anderson, Lauren Davis and Geordan Trice. Wednesday will be the PSAT testing day. The Healthy Youth Survey will be given to sophomores and seniors on Tuesday, October 14.



The Board discussed the school reports. Mark Houk said that he was responsible for finding substitutes for the teachers who will be out for maternity leave at the Primary School this school year. John Shoup said that 80 families have agreed to receive the WHS newsletter electronically. John Huffman will provide instructional support to Yale teachers. Michael said this came from a need to provide the Yale teachers prep time.


Mr. Green updated the Board on the recent insurance challenges the District has been facing in terms of contracts being mandatory. The insurance companies have been helpful in allowing more time for enrollment and helping employees understand the waiver process. The Board discussed the insurance issue. Michael said that he will put off the self-insured vision plan until spring. The Board will rescind the resolution for that tonight. The Insurance Committee will look at the vision plan in the spring to provide better options for the employees.

Michael said that he is continuing to work on refining the High School site comparison. He is working on the wetland mitigation with Doug Nichols. They received encouraging news during a meeting with wetlands engineers. He will report on this at the next Board meeting. Mr. Green said that if they develop more land for schools he may recommend working with the Port of Woodland to manage the mitigation work.

Late Friday, Michael received an email regarding the informal Assistant Attorney General Opinion on impact fees. The attorney working on this will be able to start working on this at the end of October or early November as her calendar clears. Michael will begin work on a bill to modify non-GMA counties to collect impact fees outside SEPA.

The Port of Woodland is hosting the joint meeting Wednesday night at 6:00 pm here in the District Meeting Room. The Port of Woodland is hosting, and a light dinner will be served. Steve Harvey from the Council of Governments and Representatives from the City of Woodland will also be attending. Kathleen Johnson, County Commissioner, is unable to attend.

Mr. Green received two letters from OSPI. These letters recognize the Intermediate School and TEAM High as schools of distinction. Michael said that the Intermediate School received their award as a result of both the Primary School and the Intermediate School's work. The schools will receive their award on Wednesday, October 22.

The Board reviewed a thank you letter to Columbia Bank for sponsoring this year's magnetic calendars, which have received positive feedback from parents.





Janice Watts reported that she presented the impact fee proposal at the WSSDA Legislative Assembly. The Assembly voted to support the proposal. She said it was interesting and educational. There was a meeting about retaining local control over districts working on improvement plans with OSPI and a discussion about a Transportation Study. Michael said they are looking at three different study proposals. One of the proposals would be good for larger districts but would hurt others. He said he'd be watching this discussion that will be taking place next year. Jim Bays thanked Janice for representing the Board.

Steve Madsen attended a town hall meeting where Christine Gregoire spoke, with Craig Pridemore fielding questions. There was an education discussion. Steve asked questions about the difficulty of passing school bonds. He said that she really didn't answer his questions but said that there was more State money spent on capital facilities during her term than others. Steve said he wanted the Board to know that he plugged the Woodland School District at that meeting.

Navigations 101

Craig Downs introduced LaJune Thorson, WHS Counselor and Kelly Sloniker, WMS Counselor who talked about the program. Navigations is a counseling program that runs through all grades. This program helps students with goal-setting and provides more information about opportunities after high school. LaJune and Kelly applied for a grant last spring and received it this summer. The five key elements of this program are student led conferences, student-driven scheduling, curriculum-delivered advisories, portfolios and data collection. The Board discussed the program with LaJune and Kelly.

School Bond Election Timeline

Mr. Green asked the Board if we should consider running a bond this spring. Steve Madsen said that he's heard more grumbling from the business community about the school being located at the Dike Access Road site. He's hearing about the traffic concerns. The Board discussed this. The consensus of the Board was to delay and watch the economy. Steve said that during this time they will be able to develop alternatives and a better more concrete proposal.

Policy Revisions

The Board reviewed and edited several policies. Michael will review and clarify procedure 1105P. The Board agreed to add the wording "as soon as practical" to procedure 3421P, under the reporting responsibilities to the principal. Jim Bays said that thinks that there should be an evacuation drill for the entire District once a year to see if the emergency plan works. Michael said that he would take that under consideration. They agreed to change the word "should" to "shall" in the second sentence under Theft Practices (first paragraph) of policy no. 6801.

Feedback on Paperless Board Meetings

The Board used both the online and paper version for tonight's Board meeting. The Board said that they will have paperless Board meeting starting on October 27. Jim asked if it were possible to click once to show the vouchers. Michael said he'd talk with Steve Rippl about this. The Board asked if the notes would be saved. Michael said that their notes would be saved under that meeting and could be considered public information and discoverable.

Consent Agenda

Steve Madsen moved to approve the consent agenda.

Janice Watts yes
Bill Woodard yes
Tina Cayton yes
Steve Madsen yes carried

TEAM High School Improvement Plan

Dan Uhlenkott presented the 2008-2009 TEAM High School Improvement Plan to the Board. He recommended that the Board walk in to TEAM High School anytime and see what's going on there.

Bill Woodard moved to approve the 2008-2009 TEAM High School Improvement Plan as presented.

Steve Madsen yes
Tina Cayton yes
Bill Woodard yes
Janice Watts yes carried

Recision of Resolution No. 2519-Establishment of a Self-Insured Vision Program

Steve Madsen moved to rescind Resolution No. 2519-Establishment of a Self-Insured Vision Program.

Janice Watts yes
Bill Woodard yes
Tina Cayton yes
Steve Madsen yes carried


Board President, Jim Bays recessed the meeting into executive session at 9:29pm to discuss property with no action to be taken upon return.

Board President, Jim Bays reconvened the meeting into regular session at 9:39pm.


Board President, Jim Bays adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 9:39pm.


Secretary to the Board





