Wed Oct 28 2020, 6:15pm
Via Zoom Video Webinar and Telephone
Regular Meeting


North Fork Elementary Report

To:  Michael Green, Superintendent

From: Denise Pearl, NFES Principal

Date: October 20, 2020

RE: North Fork Elementary Board Report

  • PTSA has decided we would not do any fundraising that would ask families for donations during these challenging times. We did have an opportunity to serve our families a fun treat and have 15% of the profits come back to our school. During our last materials pick up we had the Kona Shaved Ice truck come and serve our families. This was a $200 donation that will help fund Woodland Reads this year.  
  • North Fork will have their first official spirit day on October 30th. Students will have the opportunity to dress up in their Halloween costume or a “When I grow up I want to be” costume. Our teachers are also competing in a costume contest.
  • We are working hard at planning all of the details for our students to return to the building in November. At this time we have 6 teachers that will be doing a Hybrid model of online and in-person teaching with 36 students from North Fork and Columbia participating in virtual-only classes.
  • Nork Fork currently has 41 students that are coming into the building for internet, special education services, and ELL services. This has been beneficial in staff practicing social distancing, mask-wearing, and safety protocols with students in the building.