Mon Nov 28 2016, 5:30pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


Minutes Regular Meeting November 14, 2016


November 14, 2016, 5:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room



Janice Watts, Sarah Stuart, Lesa Beuscher, Matt Donald, Steve Madsen, Jamie Gonzales-Student Representative, Michael Green-Board Secretary, and Nicole Galloway-Recording Secretary



Stacy Brown, Dan Uhlenkott, Ingrid Colvard, John Shoup, Asha Riley and Deb Kernen.



President Janice Watts called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.



There were no citizen’s comments on non-agenda items.



Director Lesa Beuscher moved to approve the minutes from October 24, 2016.

Director Watts – yes
Director Stuart – yes
Director Beuscher – yes
Director Donald – yes
Director Madsen – yes



Student Representative Report – Student Representative Jamie Gonzales said that winter sports started November 14th. She noted that the Volleyball Team took 2nd place at the state competition. Lastly, Jamie spoke to the board members, on behalf of students in the senior class, proposing the change to allow the senior to decorate their caps for the graduation ceremony. She shared that the caps are purchased by the students, and the students wanted the freedom of expression with the understanding there would have to be some guidelines. After some discussion, which including principal John Shoup, the decision was made to keep the standards the same. The board members appreciated the formality of the graduation and denied the request at this time.

Woodland High School Report – Director Donald asked if the board members could get printed copies of the newspaper. Principal, John Shoup replied yes.

Lewis River Academy ALE Annual Report – Director Stuart asked Asha Riley, Assistant Superintendent, if the LRA math test scores were included in the district-wide score. Asha Riley informed the board that they were included.



Superintendent Michael Green reminded the board members that the Quest Academy was having a preview tour at 4:00 pm on Tuesday, November 15, 2016.  He also noted that Director Steve Madsen was not going to be able to attend the legislative conference in February and to let him know if another board member was interested in going in his place.



Director Donald asked Michael Green if there was any change in the high school landscaping. Superintendent Green replied that after the last walk through the work was accepted as substantially complete. Director Donald asked if the monkey bars at the intermediate school were lowered as intended and Superintendent Green replied yes. Lastly, Matt Donald asked if the air system at the intermediate could be investigated and quoted for an upgrade. Superintendent Green informed that board that this was done in July 2016 and the complete cost of the update was estimated to be $1.1 million.

Director Madsen inquired about the current Lego Robotic program at Woodland Middle School and asked why it was not available at the high school level. Principal John Shoup noted the three components required are space, interested and qualified staff and the very high cost.  In the past, not all three components have been able to be met.



Effective School Boards: Chapter 9 – The school board discussed the chapter on engaging in board development. Director Watts stated that by making the decision to have the new monthly study session, it would be a great impact on board development. She also noted that having self-assessments may be a good idea. All board members agreed, however, to wait until after the start of 2017.

First Reading of Policy 1400 – Superintendent Green reviewed the proposed changes to the district policy with the most significant change being the adjustment of the meeting held on the second Monday of each month, from a regular business meeting to a study session with a start time of 5:00 pm. Director Madsen asked that both of the monthly meetings have the same start time and the other board members agreed. Mr. Green will adjust the start time to 5:30 and present the policy for a second reading at the November 28th meeting.

First Reading of Policies 1000-1340 – Mr. Green noted that many of the current policies are out of date. The plan is to review all policies and changes will be presented to the board for approval. He noted that some of the current policies simply restated the law.  These revisions included simple references to appropriate statute rather than restatements of the law.  Director Madsen asked to have the policy 1240 amended to read, “The board president will appoint board members to serve on such committees, the purpose and terms of which will be determined by a majority vote of the board.” The other board members agreed. Superintendent Green will adjust policy 1240 and present all for a second reading and approval at the November 28th meeting.

Addition of Community Resource Coordinator Position – Superintendent Green explained the high variety of needs that our children and families have. He continued by noting the great job that the counselors and administrators do with these families, however, the need is much bigger and a deeper connection is required. The purpose of the discussion is to explore the idea of getting a community resources coordinator who would focus on bringing  all the possible resources together. A truancy officer is another need within the district.  Mr. Green is looking at a possible linkage, making a single position of the two responsibilities. Director Beucher asked where the new person would be located and Superintendent Green explained that most likely they would be in one of the portables at the primary school. Director Madsen inquired about the amounts of students we currently have that require these special services and was answered with dozens from each school. Director Stuart noted how these services would touch on the district’s vision to serve and support ALL children. All board members were for pursuing this position more deeply.



Director Matt Donald moved to approve the consent agenda.

Director Watts – yes
Director Stuart – yes
Director Beuscher – yes
Director Donald – yes
Director Madsen – yes



Director Steve Madsen moved to approve the Second Reading & Approval of Policies 2410 & 3115.

Director Watts – yes
Director Stuart – yes
Director Beuscher – yes
Director Donald – yes
Director Madsen – yes 

Director Donald moved to approve the ESD112 Agreement for STEM Materials Cooperative.

Director Watts – yes
Director Stuart – yes
Director Beuscher – yes
Director Donald – yes
Director Madsen – yes

Director Donald moved to approve Resolution 16-11 To Support the Network for Excellence in Washington Schools (NEWS).

Director Watts – yes
Director Stuart – yes
Director Beuscher – yes
Director Donald – yes
Director Madsen – yes



President Janice Watts recessed the regular meeting at 6:59 p.m. for an executive session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i). At 7:27 p.m. President Watts reconvened in open session.



President Watts adjourned at 7:28 p.m.







Secretary to the Board










Attached Files:
Consent Agenda 11.14.16.pdf application/pdf 72K