Mon Nov 24 2014, 5:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


Tech Report

Date: November 19th, 2014
To: Michael Green
From: Steve Rippl
Subject: Tech Dept. Executive Summary

Our District wide wireless is now up and running allowing any classroom to use a Chromebook cart or iPads, and as far as we can tell those that are out so far are getting fairly heavy usage. To help with the increase in online testing this year the District has just purchased 3 additional Chromebook carts (90 computers in total). These will be able to move between the buildings during testing so that each school doesn’t have to spend as much time rotating students through (specifically WIS and the Primary School where they have less computers available generally), but they’ll also be available for practice tests and general usage.

Additionally we’ve been working on adding some more online forms to our website student registration process, and will shortly start online facilities requests. There were small adjustments to be made in Sips as each of our K-8 buildings went through their CAST process, but that has settled down again now. Planning around phone systems and for the new school continues.