Mon Jul 14 2014, 5:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


2014-2015 ESD 112 Contracts

Below is a list of the contracts for services we currently have with ESD 112.  These are presented to the board for approval each year.   I have not included the full contracts to this document.  If directors would like to review any or all please let me know and I will add them to the agenda.



Name of Contract Type of Contract Amount Explanation
Cooperative Information Management Services new $91,452.56 data processing services, software and support services
Clock Hours new $1,636.92 clock hour provider
Certification new $2,458.22 certification provider
Reengagement Program new Basic Ed Apportionment for students enrollment-District retains 5%, ESD receives 95% (7% reserved for consortium infrastructure support and will disperse no less than 88% of remaining allocation to Program providers for related direct and indirect expenditures) Open Doors Reengagement Program
Communication Services continuing with ammendments $19,800 Public Information Staff Services
School Announcement Network continuing with ammendments $1,012 Flash Alert Newswire =$478.50, Flash Alert Texting=$533.50
Integrated Delivery Services continuing with ammendments $3,238 ESD courier services
Bridges Academy continuing with ammendments 60% of basic ed allocation per student per month for each participant who is counted in full attendance. Academic, career and technical education for "at risk" students at Skills Center.
Digital Media Services continuing with no ammendments $215 Bell and Howell's ProQuest 5 online databases of research libraries, major US newspapers and periodicals and children's resources available online.
STEM Materials Cooperative (Formerly Science Materials and Education Cooperative (SMERC)) continuing with ammendments $16,883 distribution of STEM materials and additional services-technical assistance, preparation,replenishment and refurbishment of kits, etc



Administrative Recommendation /MOTION/ I move we approve ESD 112 contracts for the 2014-2015 school year as presented.


Attached Files:
2014-2015 ESD 112 Contracts.pdf application/pdf 24K
Merlino Memo.pdf application/pdf 68K