Mon Apr 14 2014, 5:00pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


March 24, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes



March 24,  2014 5:00PM
Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room



Janice Watts, Jim Bays, Tina Cayton, Matt Donald, Jeremy Stuart, Michael Green-Board Secretary and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary



Asha Riley, Tom Edwards, Craig Downs, Stacy Brown, and Kelley Wilson.



Tina Cayton moved to approve the March 10, 2014 regular meeting minutes.

Matt Donald  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



Student Report
Tayler Summers was absent from the meeting.

New WHS Construction Update
Kelley Wilson, Construction Services Group (CSG), was present to update the Board on the new WHS construction. His report included the construction progress, schedule and financial review. The Board discussed this. Matt Donald asked about site security. Michael said that this was Skanska’s responsibility. Kelley said he has not heard of any security problems. Activities at the site will ramp up in the next month.

Tech Report
Matt Donald asked about the Windows XP phase out in the District. Michael said that computers using that operating system on the network are going away, as there will be no more updates for that system from Windows.



Michael Green told the Board that he has purchased a small camera drone for the District. The District had hired a drone operator to document progress for the construction site, but he calculated that it would save the District money, if we had our own drone. He showed the Board a picture of the site that he had taken from the drone.

The WQCC meeting is open to the public. Michael asked if the Board would like to have the caterers come earlier than 6pm, so that the dinner for the members would be done before the public arrived. They decided to have the caterer serve at 5:30pm. 

Conferences are tomorrow. Spring break is next week.  There is early release the rest of this week.






Tom Edwards, 115 Woodage Loop Road, Woodland, WA, was present and asked to give his thoughts about Common Core State Standards.  He had concerns about the security of the data collection and the government’s motivation for Common Core standards. President, Janice Watts, said that they had received his emails. She said that there had been a public meeting to discuss Common Core on March 10th and this had been discussed by the Board at more than one prior Board meeting.  Mr. Edwards said that he would continue to research Common Core.



Jim Bays said that, a while back, the Board had discussed the KWRL remodel. There had been a contract with all the KWRL districts. Included, was a discussion about what would happen if there should ever be soil contamination on the property.  At present, there is no soil contamination. Some districts said they wouldn’t want to pay for clean-up on Woodland School District property, as they felt that was the District’s responsibility. Ridgefield’s superintendent and some of their Board members supported all the KWRL districts participating with the costs.  Jim would like to formalize that part of the agreement, or get a better letter of understanding regarding this piece, before Art Edgerly, Ridgefield Superintendent, leaves his district.  The Board discussed this. Michael said that he would work on this. 



Engagement Plan and Timeline for School Reconfiguration
Michael said that he has prepared a community input meeting about grade reconfiguration for April 9th, at which he would like to present the process and options in a focus group setting. He’s still drafting some questions. He is also preparing an online Teacher survey for this.  He hopes to have all the information to present to the Board on April 14th. The Board discussed this.  Jim said that he thinks people should know how much space there would be if we take away the portables. Matt asked if we will know the transportation impacts. Michael said that they would have some preliminary information about that, but he’ll work more with Shannon on that piece.  The Board agreed that they’d like to get the presentation and then wait until May 12th to make a decision on which option to choose.

Turf Discussion at New WHS Beaver Stadium
As the construction budget has allowed for a WHS project alternate for the football field at the new site, Michael gave the Board information about turf for the new WHS stadium. He included information for raising funds for the field, by the WHS Turf Committee.  The Board discussed this. Jim said that the committee had been vocal about being able to raise funds, and he thought they should do this.  Other Board members liked the idea of getting the field now, and raising the funds for the upkeep, which is every 12 years or so.  Michael sent a text to Paul Huddleston, Athletic Director, who was not present for the meeting. He asked him if they could raise $50,000 to support funding of the turf before the school opens. He said “without a doubt”.

Tina Cayton moved to accept the alternate with the expectation of athletic fundraising of $50,000 within a year, and an ongoing fundraising replacement plan for the turf field at the new WHS site 

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Matt Donald  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



See attached consent agenda.

Tina Cayton moved to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Matt Donald  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



WHS Phase 2 Change Order 3
Kelley Wilson gave a summary of WHS Phase 2 Change Order 3.  Jim said that he didn’t need to see the detail of the change orders, if that would save work for Kelley. Michael suggested more detail in the form of an executive summary.  The Board agreed. 

Jeremy Stuart moved to ratify the approval of WHS Phase 2 Change Order 3.

Janice Watts yes
Jim Bays yes
Tina Cayton  yesMatt Donald  yes
Jeremy Stuart  yes  carried

WHS Phase 1 Change Order 3
This change order is a credit from Nutter Corporation’s failure to perform the entire scope of required work in phase 1.  They have performed needed repair but engineers determined that the full scope identified in phase 1 was not necessary to be completed.

Jeremy Stuart moved to ratify the approval of WHS Phase 1 Change Order 3.

Janice Watts yes
Jim Bays yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Matt Donald  yes
Jeremy Stuart  yes  carried



President, Janice Watts, recessed the meeting to executive session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) at 6:30pm, with no action to be taken upon return.

President, Janice Watts, closed the executive session and the regular meeting was  called back to order at 7:10pm.  



President, Janice Watts, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 7:10pm.



Secretary to the Board







Attached Files:
consent agenda 3-24-14.pdf application/pdf 32K