Mon Mar 25 2013, 6:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


Financial/Enrollment Report

Date:                March 20, 2013

To:                   Michael Green, Superintendent
Subject:            February Financial/Enrollment Report
From:               Stacy Brown, Director of Business Services

I have attached the 2012-13 Budget vs. Actual and Comparison to 2011-12 and Fund Budget Status reports for the month of February.  Revenues in February were $137,000 less than expected.  In February 2010 and 2011 we received $266,000 and $150,000 in Federal Stimulus funds, which increased the average revenues from the last three years, which is what the estimated revenue figure is based upon.  Payroll was about $44,000 less than expected.  In the past few years, the district directed days and teacher optional days paid in February were about $48,000, compared to only $23,000 paid this February.  The amount paid for certificated substitutes were also about $10,000 less, compared with prior years.  Accounts payable was about $50,000 less than expected.  Last year we paid $27,000 to Evergreen School District for special ed services and we also bought a van for KWRL for $23,000.  The estimate for accounts payable is based upon the average amount for the past three years and doesn’t take large payments into account.  I reviewed all expenditures and the amounts paid do not look unusual.

Apportionment has been updated to actuals and I have the actual transportation allocation.  I really wanted to have projections to you for this board meeting, but I simply ran out of time.  I will be working on them next week after I return from vacation and then I will hit the trail running on budget.  I will be looking at all revenues and expenditures and projecting ending fund balance.  This will be included with the March financial information and presented at the second April board meeting.

The enrollment spreadsheets are attached, with summaries by headcount for September through March and a comparison of budgeted FTE to actual average FTE.  The District enrollment increased in March by 14 heads and almost 15 FTE.  You can see that there was a large increase at TEAM High, but many of these students left WHS.  The additional increases were spread out, mostly in the K-6 grade levels.  March FTE was 53.40 FTE greater than budget and the average FTE through March is still almost 45 FTE greater than budget.  I will continue to keep you apprised each month and will let you know how this affects the district projections starting with March financial data in April.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



Attached Files:
financial-enrollment 3-25-13.pdf application/pdf 4M