Mon Mar 26 2012, 5:15pm
District Meeting Room
Regular Meeting


Accountibility and Citizen Oversight

The purpose of this agenda item is to discuss what the board believes is an appropriate level of citizen input and oversite to the design and construction of the new Woodland High School once the bond is approved by voters on April 17th.

Over the past few weeks I have been asked quesitons on multiple occasions that all get to the same (or similar) points.   

  • "Will citizens have the opportunity to provide input/feedback on the design?"
  • "Will there be some form of citizen oversite to make sure we are getting the best value for our dollar"
  • "will there be an opportunity for input on the specifications of the job by experts? Good specs can save the district money!" (asked by a cabinet maker)

Ultimately, the board is repsonsible for accountability and oversite of a construction project.  Some boards do engage a committee who will keep hold rein on a project to make sure the resources are well used, etc.   The mission, purpose, and paremeters of such a committe must be carefully designed to prevent micromanagement.