Mon Feb 28 2011, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


February 14, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes



February 14, 2011 6:00PM
Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room



Jim Bays, Janice Watts, Bill Woodard, Tina Cayton, Michael Green-Secretary and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary



Cari Thomson, Dan Uhlenkott, Mark Greenleaf, Jeff Nesbitt, Asha Riley, Paul Huddleston, Mark Houk, John Shoup and Stacy Brown.



Board President, Jim Bays, called the meeting to order at 6:00pm and adjourned the meeting into executive session for a student discipline hearing at 6:01pm.

He adjourned the executive session and called the meeting back into regular session at 7:00pm.



Bill Woodard moved to approve Steve Madsen's absence from the meeting.

Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



Tina Cayton moved to approve the January 12, 2011 regular meeting minutes.

Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Jim Bays  yes  carried

Janice Watts moved to approve the minutes of the January 24, 2011 regular meeting minutes.

Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes
Bill Woodard  yes  carried



Mr. Green read Mia Patterson's report (see attached).



Bill Woodard asked Chris Wiseman and other Principals, if the bullying preventative procedures that they learned about last year were making a difference. Chris said that every situation is unique, but things were going well. 

Jim Bays asked about the Partners in Transition program capacity. Michael said that there is high adult to student ratio in the program. He believes that next year there will be 13 students and 4 adults working with them.  Jim wanted to make sure that if there is an influx of students from other districts, that there would be enough room for our students. Michael said that the goal is to build a model to educate other students and it looks like it is working well. Stacy Brown said that the funding for this program is being funded by the ESD this year. The District will pay for it next year. 

Jim asked Dan Uhlenkott about Middle School students attending TEAM High. He said this is something new. It is a student who needs close supervision and it is working out well.

Bill asked Mark Houk about the WPS parking lot problem.  Mark said that they are working on a couple of ideas to help the space issue.

The Board said that they appreciate the good reports they are seeing from the buildings.



Mr. Green reported that Jim Bays and Janice Watts attended Challenge Day at WHS. It was a phenomenal and positive day. He is hoping that we continue having this program every year.  Friday, he helped judge an FBLA competition. Taylor Thomas led the WHS students who took awards in different sections.  It reflected the hard work that Joan Huston has done with the students.  The TEAM High should be ready for occupancy by the end of the month.  Dan said that it has a lot of room and it is an improvement for the school.  Jim Bays said that Michael should tell the Chamber of Commerce about the FBLA competition results and the State competition.



The Board thanked the Administrative Team for the thank you card they had received.






Janice Watts said that Challenge Day was awesome and hopes we do it again. She described the agenda for the day.  Jim Bays said that it is one of the hallmark events that he's attended since he's been a Board member.  He thinks it's an important thing to invest in to make the WHS a better place.   Michael said that some students who come from idyllic homes developed empathy for other students.  John Shoup said that there were public and private apologies for misjudging people. He thanked Jim and Janice for attending on behalf of staff and students.



Policy No. 2151-Interscholastic Activities

This item is on the agenda for a second reading and approval. Mark Greenleaf showed the Board samples of uniforms and told them that they've had problems in the past getting the exact same green color for uniforms.  The Board discussed colors with Mark and other members. The students and coaches wish to emphasize a new look and the black color. Paul Huddleston said that he would like to see a policy that clearly defines the parameters and lets the principal and athletic director approve the uniforms, so that teams don't have to come to the Board for uniform approval each time.  Jim Bays said that he thinks that the community has expectations about keeping the uniform traditional and he doesn't think that they'd like so much black.  Tina Cayton said she likes the black and thinks the uniforms look strong.  She said she's had conversations with community members about the uniforms and they are positive.  Paul said that he and Coach Greenleaf have discussed ways to get the football program in shape and thinks that this is a positive thing for the students.  Jeff Nesbitt says he'd like to see a policy that is clear for future coaches and athletic directors.   The Board agreed that the language should be changed to:
The school principal and athletic director may approve uniforms that include, in addition to school colors, black.

Bill Woodard moved to approve the revision to Policy No. 2151-Interscholastic Activities.

Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



Policy No.  3207-Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying-Revision-First Reading
The Board discussed the revision of this policy suggested by OSPI, which includes a compliance officer piece.  Jim Bays was concerned about the amount of time for the investigation of incidents and setting up a hearing on the appeal. He worried that parents would get frustrated. Michael explained that it could take a while for the investigation and if members were unavailable, it could take a while to set up the hearing. It will not likely happen all the time, but could, and that is why he added the times as he did. He didn't want to get locked into a time that the District couldn't do. Jim said that he would like to see both the policy and procedure when they vote on the revision.  He also said that he was unhappy by the fact that parents of students who have been victims cannot know if the perpetrators have been disciplined or how. He wants to explore if there is a way to do this, so that the community doesn't feel like we did nothing and that we did our job.  The principals and Michael explained the law about this and said that when asked by parents, they explain that they can look at the policy and know that they follow the policy. Cari has told parents that if the situation was reversed, the parents would not want the public to know how or if their child was disciplined. This seems to satisfy their frustration. Jim said, from a parent's point of view, that he would want to know. Michael said that it is not always black and white; situations can be complicated. This policy will be on the next agenda for second reading and approval. 

Math Pilot Update
Asha Riley gave a presentation on the math pilot. She showed the Board information that shows the guidelines for student learning and the steps they take to insure the students are learning. They use four guiding questions: Planning-What do we want students to learn? Instruction-How will we teach them? Assessment-How will we know they've learned? Differentiation (Responding)-How will we respond if they have already learned or don't achieve the learning?  The Board discussed the steps and reviewed data with Asha.  She said that the data shows what is working or not working (curriculum, teaching practices or students).  Steve Rippl and his team were credited with developing programs that put the data in a format that can be analyzed by staff. Jim would like staff to communicate this information to the community.



The Board discussed the consent agenda.

Janice Watts moved to approve the consent agenda.

Tina Cayton yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



Approval of Inter-District Agreement with Kelso S.D. for Fire Science Program

Bill Woodard moved to approve the Inter-District Agreement with Kelso S. D. for the Fire Science Program.

Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried

Resolution No. 2541-Legislative Position Statement
The Board discussed the resolution regarding their legislative position.  Jim Bays wanted to add a number 7 to their concerns in the resolution. He said that he would like to add a concern about the dissolution of WSSDA.  The Board agreed.

Janice Watts moved to approve Resolution No. 2541-Legislative Position Statement as amended.

Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Bill Woodard  yes  carried

Michael told the Board that there will be a hill visit with legislators at the end of the month and was looking to see if they were interested in going.  Jim Bays said he would like to find a way to discuss concerns and issues with legislators that is more meaningful. 

Letter of Support for Scott Avenue Crossing
The Board discussed the letter of support for the Scott Avenue crossing.  Jim said that he would like the letter mention student safety or something to make it more District-oriented.

Tina Cayton moved to approve the Letter of Support for the Scott Avenue Crossing with the suggested changes.

Janice Watts  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Tina Cayton  yes  carried



President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 9:13 pm.



Secretary to the Board





