Mon Feb 8 2010, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


January 25, 2010 Regular Meeting Minutes



January 25, 2010 7:00PM
Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room



Jim Bays, Janice Watts, Bill Woodard, Chelsey Rohm-Student Representative, Michael Green-Secretary, and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary



Stacy Brown and Craig Downs.



Janice Watts moved to approve Tina Cayton and Steve Madsen's absence from the meeting.

Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes
Jim Bays  yes  carried



Bill Woodard moved to approve the minutes of the January 11, 2010 regular meeting as amended.

Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes
Bill Woodard  yes  carried



Chelsey Rohm said the new semester starts tomorrow. Finals went well. Mark Greenleaf won the Kiss a Pig contest and will kiss a pig at the next assembly. Last Saturday was TOLO. The princes were Cole Clark, Shane Brady, Elijah Denis, Sean Gleason and Trevor Hurn.  Sean Gleason won. ASB will probably meet next week and will be working on Art Club and possibly Chess Club resolutions and, also, fundraisers.



Tech Report
Jim Bays said that he read in Steve Rippl's report that classrooms needed more computers. He had read that La Center School District was running a separate Tech levy. They have a goal of one computer for every student. Michael said that teachers are using computers more and more in their classes, and that they are even being used for testing. Janice said her son is taking a college class where all the interaction is online.

Financial Report
Stacy Brown reported that enrollment was down, but right at budget now.  She said we are losing a lot of students at the Primary School.  The Board discussed enrollment and asked Michael to ask Mark Houk if there was a way to track where the students are going. Stacy said that the District will receive about $48,000 more than was budgeted for apportionment because the "Mix Factor" (The factor derived by where teachers are placed for experience and education) was higher than budgeted.  As well, transportation reimbursement for KWRL is about $220,000 higher than budgeted, largely because KWRL has taken on all in-district special ed. transportation. She said she hopes that the enrollment numbers will level out.




Mr. Green said that things are running smoothly for the beginning of the new semester. Some of the staff were in their buildings today getting ready for the beginning of the second semester.

Legislative Update
Michael gave the Board copy of This Week in Olympia and a WSSDA Impact, which had information that Michael used to gather data for the pending trip that he, Jim Bays and Steve Madsen will be taking to Olympia to discuss District priorities with legislators. He told the Board that the Governor has a new budget that legislators will be discussing, also.



WEA Letter
The WEA sent the Board a thank you letter for all their work and support throughout the years.



Chelsey Rohm gave the Board flowers and a card on behalf of the WHS student body, to thank them for all they do.



Bill Woodard reported that he attended the State Auditor's entrance meeting. He said there were no surprises.

Bill also was on the Planters' Day Committee that chooses the princess for the event.  He asked the candidates what the major problem with students was. He said that they said that boredom was a problem for them.  They said that they wished that there were more opportunities for them to volunteer and said they'd like to see the Make a Difference Day every 6 weeks, rather than once a year.  The Board discussed clubs and the possibility of having more clubs for kids to join. Bill said that all of the contestants were great kids.

Jim Bays said that Janice Watts mentioned before the meeting that they might consider starting the meeting earlier to accommodate Tina, so that she can attend both the Board meeting and her son's basketball games.  The Board discussed this and Jim said that would look at the calendar. The season is ending and they may not have another home game, so it may not matter.



Legislative Issues Briefing
The Board looked at and discussed information that Michael had put together for the meeting with the District's legislators and he, Jim Bays and Steve Madsen on February 3rd in Olympia. Michael detailed the issues and gave a bottom line of the Board's concerns.  The issues that the members will discuss with legislators are:

1) Levy Equalization
2)K-4 Class Size Enhancement
3)Pupil Transportation
4) Funding for Non-Employee Costs (NERCS)
5) School Construction Funding

Draft Strategic Goals Work Plan
Jim Bays said that this item will be moved to the next Board agenda so that the other two members can be present for this discussion.



Consent Agenda
The Board discussed the consent agenda. Janice Watts asked about a reissued warrant. Stacy explained that she is supposed to annually report unclaimed warrants. She has never reported these. The Board has approved old outstanding and cancelled warrants, but she needs to report these to the State now, so that people can get on a website and type in their name and see if they are owed money that they had not claimed.   Stacy explained the State's rules on when and how she has to report this.

Jim Bays asked about, and the Board discussed Columbia Bank's fees. Stacy said that she will be talking with the bank about their fees.

Bill Woodard moved to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts yes
Bill Woodard  yes  carried



2010-2011 and 2011-2012 School Calendars
Bill Woodard thanked Janice Watts for working on the calendar committee.

Bill Woodard moved to approve the 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 School Calendars as presented.

Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes
Bill Woodard  yes  carried

Resolution No. 2533-Declaring Support for 2010-2011 NBCT Leadership Grant Application
Nationally Board Certified Teacher, Shari Condit, is applying for a $5000 grant to help support the National Board Certification of Teachers.  One of the factors for scoring the grant is in the area of sustainability.  It is important that she be able to present a strong statement of administrative support for this grant. Michael suggested to her that the Board approve a resolution declaring that support. He said that this would be a good opportunity and would benefit our program.

Janice Watts moved to approve Resolution No. 2533-Declaring Support for 2010-2011 NBCT Leadership Grant Application.

Jim Bays  yes
Janice Watts  yes
Bill Woodard  yes  carried

Approve Purchase and Sale Agreement
The Board discussed the purchase of the property at 763 Second Street.

Bill Woodard moved to approve the Purchase and Sale Agreement for the 763 Second Street Property as presented.

Jim Bays yes
Janice Watts yes
Bill Woodard  yes  carried



Jim Bays said he had talked with Tina about the meal that was prepared by Kim Seay's class for the Joint Jurisdiction meeting last Wednesday.  Tina thought that the Board should send a thank you card. Michael will bring a card to the next meeting for the Board to sign.




Board President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 8:06pm.



Secretary to the Board





