Thu Dec 14 2023, 6:30pm
WHS Room 1204
Special Meeting


Financial and Enrollment Report

To: Michael Green, Superintendent

From: Stacy Brown, Director of Business Services

Subject: Financial/Enrollment Report

Date: December 7, 2023

Now that the 22-23 year is in the rearview mirror, I have been working on getting caught up with the 23-24 fiscal year.  With the loss of the Forecast5 software program and the new Skyward system, it is going to take me some time to build a process for projecting revenues, expenditures and ending fund balance for this year.  I will be working on that the next couple of weeks before break.  Also, with the early board meetings in November and December, it will be nice to get back to the reports being due closer to the end of the month. I will have December reconciled and projections ready for the January meeting.  

Last month, I said I had hoped to have November balanced and projections ready by the December meeting, but I forgot that December is a one meeting month and that everything had to be submitted by 12/7.  I only just received the Treasurer statement for November today.  

I included the October Budget Status reports for each fund (slides 2-6).  The fund balance in October is usually one of the highest months because we receive the majority of our tax revenues in October, and OSPI has not decreased our apportionment revenue to account for that. There will be a dip in November. Year-to-date revenues through October represent 18.35% of budgeted revenues. If our revenues were collected evenly across the months, we would expect to have collected 1/6th or 16.67 of the annual revenues. Year-to-date expenditures through October (not including encumbrances, which include the open purchase orders) represent 17.7% of budgeted expenditures.  Expenditures do tend to be more consistent from month to month, with the exception of September ($4,367,000) being much greater than the other months, including October ($3,732,000), for a difference between the two months of $635,000.  For this early in the year, the actual revenues and expenditures through October are in line with the budget.  As mentioned above, projections will be coming next month.

Budget Status reports for the rest of the funds are included, and I do not see anything that is not expected. With the exception of the ASB Fund, there has been very little activity so far in the other funds.


The first enrollment document (slide 12) shows a comparison of average FTE compared to budgeted FTE.  Funding is based on FTE (not headcount), which is an important document.  Funding is based on our average annual FTE (which includes September through December at this time).  For December, we are 16.40 below budget, and the average for the months is 19.91 below budget.  The decrease between November and December was 8.34 FTE.  The December count of 2,291.60 is slightly above the average.  If we stay around this enrollment for the rest of the year, our average will end up approximately 20 below budget.  You will also see the Special Education enrollment numbers and how they compare to the budget.  The Special Education enrollment average is figured from October through May.  The numbers you see here are for three months, and we are one below at Pk and just 2.67 below budget at K-21.  I will let you know how this affects the district projections, starting with data in January.

The first enrollment document (page 1) is a summary by headcount for December, with a comparison to November. The counts by grade level include the Yale, LRA, and TEAM High numbers (all totals for the district).  The section below shows the total December headcount for those buildings compared with the previous month's headcount.  Overall, we are down ten students from November, with no one grade or school accounting for a majority of the decline.

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Attached Files:
December Financial.pdf application/pdf 743.3K
December Financial.pptx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation 1.6M