These policies are presented for second reading and final consideration.
Policy 3122 Attendance — Excused and Unexcused Absences. The state changed the laws related to truancy in the last season. The changes to this policy reflect those changes.
Procedure 3122P Attendance — Excused and Unexcused Absences. This procedure is significantly updated and reflects the statutory changes.
Policy 3231 Student Records. This policy update reflects changes to state and federal law and regulation.
Procedure 3231P Student Records. This procedure update reflects changes to state and federal law and regulation.
Policy 3520 Student Fees, Fines, or Charges. Changes to this policy are reflective of changing state laws that no longer allow withholding of certain student records when they transfer to another district while owing fines and fees.
Procedure 3520P Student Fees, Fines, or Charges. This procedure supports Policy 3520.
Procedure 2020P Course Design, Selection, and Adoption of Instructional Materials