Wed Apr 28 2021, 6:15pm
Woodland High School Library and Zoom
Regular Meeting


Resolution 21-02 Reduced Educational Program for 2021-2022

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Woodland High Schools was staffed at a higher rate than apportioned state resources.  This has long been the case and has been supported, so the HS is able to offer a broad diversity of courses to students.  With the pandemic, our enrollment at WHS has dropped fairly significantly.  Though we anticipate an increase next year, we are not anticipating a return to pre-pandemic student enrollment.   In light of this, we must operate in a fiscally responsible manner and make some reductions to staffing.  One of our science teachers is retiring at the end of the current school year.  We do not plan, at this point in time, to replace his position.  In addition, we would like to reduce our staffing in our business education program.  Currently, the courses taught in business education are electives, and there is little student interest in this area of CTE.   The current business education teacher teaches 9 sections per year, making her a .9 FTE employee.  The need is for 5 sections per year.  This reduction would make the position half-time or .5 FTE.

In order to reduce staffing, state law requires that the school board pass a resolution stating the rationale and specifying the amount of the reduction.   This resolution, drafted by the board's attorney, meets the needs of the law. 

Administrative Recommendation /MOTION/ "I move we adopt resolution 21-02 as presented."

Attached Files:
Resolution 21-02.pdf application/pdf 62K