Mon Apr 22 2019, 5:30pm
WHS Room 2203
Study Session


Life • College • Career Readiness Indicators

Our vision for Woodland Public Schools states that EACH child has FULL access to, is engaged in, and obtains an excellent education that prepares them for responsible citizenship and a future of adaptability and success in life and their chosen endeavors.

For the last several months our leadership team has been doing a deep exploration of this topic, and we have developed a DRAFT set of indicators that articulate the understanding of what this means. 

There are three goals for this workshop:

1) Build a common understanding of what it means for students to be “prepared for responsible citizenship and a future of adaptability and success in life and their chosen endeavors.”

2) Agree upon metrics that provide a measurable profile of what it means for a graduate to be ready for Life, Career & College

3) Build a basic understanding of the 16 CTE Career Clusters & Pathways and how they can provide an organizational framework to help prepare students for life, career, and college

Attached are a number of documents that it is not necessary for you to review prior to the board meeting.  They are attached so you have the information for reference now and in the future.

Slide Deck for Introductory Presentation

Draft Woodland L•C•C Indicators

Selected Results from the Parent Survey

NSBA 2019 Skills Gap Report

Article: Predictors of Postsecondary Success

Article: College, Career and Life Readiness: A Look at High School Indicators of Post-Secondary Outcomes in Boston (March 2019)

Executive Summary: Automation and Artifical Intelligence: How machines are affecting people and Places

Full Article: Automation and Artifical Intelligence: How machines are affecting people and Places

Article: Career and Technical Education: Building New Pathways into the Labor Market

Document: Career Clusters and Pathways

Document: Detail of Health Science Cluster, Associated Pathways, and Jobs

Document: Pathway Plan—Biotechnology Research and Development

Document: College Academic Distribution Requirements (CADRs)