Mon Aug 22 2011, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


2011-2012 Board Goals


The FIRST priority of our school system will be student learning.  To this end it is our goal that every student will be taught by skilled, high-quality teachers who provide effective and high quality instruction, and who are equipped with necessary tools and training.  Elements of this goal will consider:


Maintain focus on improvement of student learning as measured by state and local assessments

In the next four years the percentage of students meeting and exceeding standard on Statewide Assessments (EOC/HSPE/MSP) will show continuous growth average equal to or exceeding 2.5% each year when adjusted for year-over-year test complexity and cohort performance.

Calculation: ((Prior year Cohort performance) +/- (5yr state average difference between levels) + (2.5%)) 



Effective Professional Development Program

By the spring of 2012 GLAD Strategies from each of the core areas will be implemented in 100% of the classrooms of 24 teachers trained in the instructional model as reported by teachers, observed in classroom walkthroughs and/or observations.  (6 more teachers trained in GLAD during 11-12)

80% of Mathematics instruction will be data-driven, aligned to state standards, and consistent across the grade-level/course.  Data will be collected on Mathematics instruction through student assessment and observation.  Principals will observe each mathematics classroom a minimum of 3 times per year to collect data.



Effective instructional interventions will be utilized

By the fall of 2012 reduce by 50% the number of first-year students who fail to attain sophomore status (5.5 credits) by the beginning of their second year.   (2011 baseline)

On November 14, 2011 the administration will present a cost/benefit analysis of all-day, every-day kindergarten for consideration by the Board of Directors.



A Quality Learning Environment is important to effective learning.  In order to provide a quality learning environment


Continue to address the building and maintenance of school climates that are emotionally and physically safe for students and adults

Decrease Bullying year-over-year as measured by the following:

-HYS/BSS (Grades 6/8/10)

-COPS Survey (Grades 3-6)

Increase positive indicators of school climate at WHS as measured by In-school surveys (2011 baseline)

Collect baseline data on school climate at each school by spring 2012




Our schools will provide opportunities for students to be exposed to and acquire twenty-first century career options and work skills.  The District will explore opportunities to enhance career and technical education of students through:


Effective partnerships with Community Colleges, business, industry, the Clark County Skills Center, and professional organizations and individuals.

The Partners in Transition program will increase the job placement sites/businesses in the area from 7 sites to 9 sites.

Students who are Juniors and Seniors and receiving special education services will visit at least one college campus during the school year increasing their knowledge and ability to report on the course offerings and special education services from 0% to 100%.

The high school will increase opportunities for "co-enrollment" of students at WHS and Post-Secondary Institutions



Adjustment and/or enhancement of career and technical education offerings in our secondary schools.

By the spring of 2012 100% of CTE classes will have articulation agreements with post-secondary institutions (e.g. community colleges, trade programs, institutes)

During the 2011-2012 school year the District will explore options and opportunities for computer and technical certifications that could be offered in our school programs.



Woodland School District will bring existing CTE program into compliance, create community interface, and look at expanding programs.

100% of existing CTE programs will be in compliance by spring 2012



Effective, two-way communication with our entire community is essential to maintaining and building trusting relationships with the community. Improving communication through the implementation of methods of communication will be employed as part of a district-wide communication plan.

Community perceptions of effective communication with the community will show year-over-year improvement as measured by a brief survey of parents administered during the fall conference week each year.   (2011 baseline)

Mathematics support resources will be developed and posted using Moodle resource for Middle School and Integrated Math 1 in 2011-2012, and Integrated Math 2 in 2012-2013

By January 2012 a district-wide communication/outreach plan will be developed and approved.




The District will remain fiscally healthy through prudent and conservative fiscal management



Long-Range Financial Planning for Growth and Opportunity

The board will define priorities for future program improvement and expansion.

The district will maintain a healthy and stable cash reserve of 4%-6%




 An effective School Board is essential to the success of the School District.  The School Board will commit to improving their collective skills through:


Annual self-assessment.

Board will complete and review an annual self-assessment of board performance



Provide ongoing opportunities for staff to provide input on priorities and programs to the board as a proactive element of goal-setting.

The board will continue to direct the superintendent to administer annual year-end staff survey and review.



Participation in Board Development activities (including Boardsmanship).

Within the context of regular board meeting the board will participate in Development activities (before or after meeting... role plays, exercises, etc.)



In addition, the board has identified the following areas of focus as ongoing priorities:


The administration will practice effective hiring and personnel practices


The district will continue to encourage teacher participation in NBPTS certification.


School and district buildings will be maintained in a high standard of cleanliness, safety, and order.


Ongoing and timely preventative maintenance will be performed.


Planning for growth will be a proactive process, taking into consideration impacts of potential growth from changes in the economic, housing, and business environment of Woodland and surrounding communities.


Planning for replacement of Woodland High School will be a priority


As a part of Planning for the replacement of Woodland High School the district will explore the potential co-location of an LCC campus in conjunction with the High School.


Broaden interaction with regional, county, and state governmental leaders


Promote increased public participation in schools and board activities


The district will continue to be fiscally responsible by identifying and implementing efficiencies in purchasing, contracting, and operations.