June 8 2015 5:00PM Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room
Janice Watts, Jim Bays, Tina Cayton, Matt Donald, Jeremy Stuart, Kurtis Patterson-Student Representative, Michael Green-Board Secretary and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary
Joni Ewert, Tony Peterson, Chris Conroy, Lynnell Murray, Sonya Stemkoski, Asha Riley, Taylor Vossen, Dan Uhlenkott, Lan Ha, Todd Dinehart, Addy Dinehart, Emilio, Avelar, John Shoup, Stacy Brown, Malinda Huddleston and Steven Carney.
Addy Dinehart and Emilio Avelar wanted to know why decorating graduation caps is not allowed by the District. John Shoup explained that it is because the graduation ceremony is a formal ceremony for all students, and not meant for individual attention. Todd Dinehart said that he was unhappy that his daughter, Addy, did not receive an Honor Society stole prior to Baccalaureate. They were available during the school day for students to pick them up prior to Baccalaureate, but because of Running Start schedules she was unable to do so, and Mr. Dinehart felt the Honor Society Advisor should have been available on Sunday. He said that he was concerned that there were no grief counselors on site after the recent death of a student. John said they did have grief counselors and that Dan Uhlenkott was working on coordinating them until 11pm Sunday night. Mr. Dinehart rescinded his statement. He said President Watts had told him that the Board would be updating their policies, in an email from January. He wanted to know what updates had been made. Janice said that she’d review the email and respond to him. He also asked about PE teacher qualifications and certification in relation to the new job postings for PE teachers. Michael Green explained to the Board that the posting is left to the discretion of the administrator and that the candidates selected have appropriate certification for the position they were given.
There was a small edit to the May 11, 2015 minutes. A vote by Jim Bays was incorrectly noted.
Matt Donald moved to approve the May 11, 2015 regular meeting minutes as edited.
Jeremy Stuart yesMatt Donald yesTina Cayton yesJim Bays yesJanice Watts yes carried
Tina Cayton moved to approve the May 26, 2015 special meeting minutes.
Janice Watts yesMatt Donald yesTina Cayton yes carried
Kurtis Patterson said that he enjoyed learning about the new WHS and how the Board takes care of business, this last year as Student Representative. He is graduating this Friday.
Janice Watts recessed the meeting at 5:30pm to have a small celebration with Kurtis. She called the meeting back to order at 5:40pm. Dan Uhlenkott showed the Board the Student Representative plaque with Kurtis’ name added for this year.
Student ReportKurtis Patterson said that Vern Warndahl is going to the HOSA nationals. Woodland Track sent 15 athletes to the 2A State meet; 7 boys and 8 girls went to this. Julia Stepper placed in 3 events. Eli Whitmire placed in 3 events and McKenna Flanagan placed in javelin. Seniors graduate Friday and they are the last class to leave the old WHS facility. Woodland Softball had 2 bottom of the 7th inning comebacks to play State. They ended up 4th in State. He said that he’s heard from students regarding the graduation caps and said some other districts allow this; and some staff members think it should be allowed. He told the Board how he would decorate his cap, if he could.
Other ReportsThe Board had no questions regarding the other reports.
Michael Green said that the new WHS project is moving at flying speed. Last week, the District received a temporary occupancy permit for the new building. Hopefully next week we will be able to move furniture in. The fields and stadium are moving at a slower pace. Since the stadium is part of the building permit, he’s trying to get it separated from the building permit, so that the District can take occupancy. We had to stop tours, due to an injury on one of the tours. Postcards for the Grand Opening on August 31st were mailed out this week. Michael spoke with Jaime Herrera-Beutler regarding her attendance at the Grand Opening. Due to a family health issue, her schedule is still tentative. Yale School has had water issues, and the Health Department has them on a boil order. Michael is hoping that the issues will be resolved soon. Michael said that he hopes to see the Board at graduation on Friday.
Michael showed the Board a letter from the Hudson’s Bay Branch of the American Association of University Women recognizing outstanding junior women of achievement in STEM areas. Woodland High School’s Kyna Byrnes received an award for Math; and Anna Karus received an award in Science. Michael also showed the Board a thank you letter to Ruth Wendt, widow of former golf coach Don Wendt, for her $500 donation to the scholarship fund.
Tina Cayton asked about the requirements for the PE certification. She wanted to know why we wouldn’t want a person with the PE certificate. Michael explained that sometimes a highly qualified teacher is suited for a position. The candidate may not have the certification, but does have the skill set to qualify for the position. He said proficiency doesn’t always go with endorsements. Stacy Brown said that recent hires for PE positions had either a health endorsement or a PE endorsement.
Matt Donald said that he thinks that not allowing decorated caps is good, as we don’t want students surprising administrators, and hopes that someone will be watching the students on graduation night. Jeremy Stuart said that he agrees the ceremony is formal and should be treated that way. And he thinks the community would like it to stay that way, and not be an individual show. Janice Watts agreed with Jeremy, Matt and John. She didn’t think it was good that students waited until four days before graduation to discuss this. Jim Bays said that he doesn’t think it’s such a big deal if they were able to decorate their caps, as long as it’s not distasteful and guidelines are in place. But, our policy states otherwise at this time. He didn’t think this should be brought up four days before graduation, either. Tina Cayton agreed with Jim. Janice Watts said they are backing the procedure as it is.
Administrative Reorganization for 2015-2016Michael discussed administrative reorganization for the 2015-2016 school year with the Board. This includes having Steve Carney be principal of both WPS and WIS, but adding two Building Manager TOSAs (Teacher on Special Assignment) who would help manage the buildings. It also includes a Director of Facilities and Safety, and a Coordinator of Communications and Community Outreach, (some of the responsibilities of this position were formerly held by the Community Education Manager). The Board discussed the positions. They thought in general, all the positions looked good as well they wanted to consider addition of an HR person to the district. Michael said he’d meet with the Admin. Team and move forward with the plan to add the positions.
The Board discussed the consent agenda. (See attached.)
Jim Bays moved to approve the consent agenda.
Matt Donald yesTina Cayton yesJim Bays yesJanice Watts yes carried
Adoption of K-8 English and Language Arts CurriculumAsha Riley and Steven Carney presented the results of the Instructional Materials Committee’s research and recommendation the purchase of the ReadyGen ELA materials to be used at WPS, WIS and WMS schools.
Matt Donald moved to approve the adoption and purchase of the ReadyGen ELA curriculum.
Janice Watts yesJim Bays yesTina Cayton yesMatt Donald yes carried
Summer Safety and Security Remodeling Projects-Award of BidsThe District only received one bid for the summer remodeling and security project. The bid was from Five Rivers Construction, which worked on the Yale Gym project. There were 5 alternates on the bid. Michael recommended approving the bid including exercising the third alternate, which is to change fencing height from 6ft to 8ft.
Tina Cayton moved to approve Five Rivers Construction as the General Contractor for the small works projects, and to award alternate 3
WHS Change Order #26Kelley Wilson summarized this change order that totaled $92,719. This is one of the last few change orders.
Tina Cayton moved to approve Change Order #26.
Approval of 2016-2017 School Year Calendar
Matt Donald move to approve the 2016-2017 School Year Calendar as presented.
Resolution No. 2598-Declaration of Surplus Property and Notice of Intent to LeaseYale Valley Library District wants to lease some of the property up at the Yale School, and construct a public library on the property. This resolution is one of the steps that must be taken to do this.
Jim Bays moved to approve Resolution No. 2598-Declaration of Surplus Property and Notice of Intent to Lease.
Second Reading and Approval of New Policy No. 2145-Suicide PreventionThis policy is unchanged from the last meeting.
Tina Cayton moved to approve new Policy No. 2145-Suicide Prevention.
Second Reading and Approval of New Policy No. 2418-Waiver of High School Graduation CreditsThis policy is unchanged from the last meeting.
Jim Bays moved to approve new Policy No. 2418-Waiver of High School Graduation Credits.
President, Janice Watts, recessed the meeting into a closed session to be followed by an executive session at 7:25pm.
This executive session is to discuss personnel matters under RCW 42.30.110 (1)(g), with no action to be taken upon return.
President, Janice Watts, reconvened the meeting into regular session at 7:45 pm.
President, Janice Watts, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 7:45pm.
_______________________________ Secretary to the Board
____________________________________ President
____________________________________ Director