Mon Jun 10 2013, 6:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


May 28, 2013 Minutes



May 28, 2013 6:00PM
Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room



Jim Bays, Janice Watts, Tina Cayton, Jeremy Stuart, Michael Green-Secretary, Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary



Nick Massie, John Shoup, Asha Riley, Kelley Wilson, Doug Nichols, Stacy Brown, Mark Knudson



Tina Cayton moved to excuse Bill Woodard and Tayler Summers from the meeting.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



Jeremy Stuart moved to approve the May 13, 2013 regular meeting minutes as presented.

Janice Watts  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jeremy Stuart  yes  carried



There was no Student Representative report, as Tayler Summers was absent.

The Board did not have any questions about the other reports.



Mr. Green said that the school year is coming to a close. The ad for the Yale Gym bids went out, and he hopes it comes in under budget. They will open bids on June 10th.  The last day of school is June 13th. The last Monday is a regular start day. Parents will be notified through newsletters and a School Messenger call.







Nick Massie said that Woodland parents want to know about the progress of the new High School project, and if it is on budget. Michael said, at this point we hope to be at or below budget. After the Ad Hoc committee made their recommendations to the Board, the Board met and redefined the project, adding playfield pieces to the cost. He said the first bid was $300,000 below budget. The budget estimators are projecting that we will be within budget. Mr. Massie said that there was a $65 million figure in a newspaper article recently. Michael said that they were probably referring to the total amount of the bond. Mr. Massie said that some citizens were concerned that some construction materials, like formaldehyde-free materials, would increase the costs of the project and suggested that the Board allow citizens to review the specifications and provide input. Michael said that the challenge is that they are working as fast as they can on documents for going out to bid. The management team does an excellent job of carefully pouring over every item. Doug Nichols said that he can provide a final copy of the specifications. The Board was interested in having those available for citizen review.

A citizen, who failed to identify herself, said that she wanted to see a set of plans. She said that there are rumors that the shop sizes are smaller and she said that she thinks there needs to be a bigger area for vocational classes.  Michael read an email from a teacher who had similar concerns, and the email that he had sent responding to the concerns. (See attached.) He said that the planning and design of the new WHS was for the needs of the students. The vocational area is flexible to provide for the changing needs. Both John Shoup and Michael said that students have not been signing up for traditional shop classes.  Michael said that students have the option of attending the Skills Center and Kelso School District’s Fire Science program. The Skills Center has provided adequate slots over the years, according to John Shoup. Michael said that the Skills Center has also been changing their programs to meet their student’s needs. For example, their enrollment in the auto-body program has been fading. They will be eliminating this program and replacing it with aircraft maintenance.  Mr. Massie said that parents care about students having equal opportunities for vocational programs as they do for college.  Janice Watts said that, as long as she’s been on the Board Craig Downs and Cari Thomson have worked to get every opportunity for CTE students. 






WHS Memorial Walk
John Shoup said that architects were asking if the District wants to move the senior class walks to the new High School site. He said that the general consensus is that they should remain where they are. The Board discussed this and agreed that they should remain at the present site. John said that the student memorials will remain where they are, too.

Planning for Summer Retreat
The Board discussed their retreat and decided to schedule it on the MLK holiday, in January. This will allow the incoming Board member to attend.  Jim Bays asked the Board to change the meeting times for Board meetings starting in July, to 5pm, as he is taking a class.  His class is on 10 consecutive Mondays.  The Board agreed. Michael will bring the policy to the next meeting so that the Board can temporarily adjust the times of the meetings.

First Reading of Revisions to Policy No. 6950
Doug Nichols discussed construction change directives and change orders with the Board. The Board discussed the revisions to Policy No. 6950.  Jim Bays and Tina Cayton thought the changes alleviated their concerns about the change orders process. The change allows the Superintendent to approve change orders up to $50,000 and construction change directives up to $30,000 to keep projects on schedule.  It requires the Superintendent to notify the Board of all changes. The policy will be on the next agenda for second reading and approval.



Janice Watts moved to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



Second Reading and Approval of Policy No. 1310-Policy Adoptions Manuals and Administrative Procedures
This policy was unchanged since the last meeting.

Jeremy Stuart moved to approve Policy No. 1310-Policy Adoptions Manuals and Administrative Procedures.

Janice Watts  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jeremy Stuart  yes  carried

Staffing Proposal
The Board reviewed the staffing proposal that Michael and Administrative staff have created to increase opportunities for administrators to focus on teaching and learning.  The extra support would free up their time relieving them of tasks that support staff can accomplish. Title 1 funding is available for some of the staffing. The extra support will include a secondary learning specialist, a .2 FTE WMS Dean of Students, extended contract for WPS, WIS, WMS and WHS learning specialists, additional clerical staff for learning specialists, additional “Fresh Start” staffing at WIS and WPS, and a social worker (counselor) at WPS.

Jeremy Stuart moved to approve the staffing plan as present for the 2013-2014 school year.

Janice Watts  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jeremy Stuart  yes  carried

Approval of Change Order 1 for the WHS Phase 1
This Change Order is for additional piers needed for the WHS Phase 1 work, that were not delineated in the original plans, and for the removal of a septic tank found on the site.  Pricing for the change orders were considered appropriate and fair by the architect, Superintendent, and construction manager.

Tina Cayton moved to approve Change Order 1 as presented.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried

Acceptance of Value Engineering Report
Kelley Wilson, of CSG, presented the final value engineering report (VE). The design team reviewed the VE report and accepted many of the recommendations, resulting in potential savings of $3.3 million on the new WHS project. Some of the areas of savings came from the reduction in the landscaping budget, a different design from the rain gardens in the parking lot and a change in classroom projectors. The Board discussed other ideas that will save costs on this project, like the District buying some of the materials and having them installed. This report approval is required for State funding.

Tina Cayton moved to accept the Value Engineering Report for the new WHS as presented.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



President, Jim Bays, recessed the meeting into executive session at 8:01pm allowed under RCW 42.30.110(1)(g), with no action to be taken upon return.

President, Jim Bays reconvened the meeting into regular session at 9:40pm.



President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 9:40pm.



Secretary to the Board







Attached Files:
wood shop email.pdf application/pdf 132K