Mon Apr 8 2013, 6:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


March 25, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes



March 25, 2013 6:00PM
Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room



Jim Bays, Janice Watts, Bill Woodard, Tina Cayton, Jeremy Stuart, Michael Green-Secretary, Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary



Kelley Wilson, Construction Services Group, and Francis Naglich, Ecological Land Services



Bill Woodard moved to approve the March 11, 2013 regular meeting minutes.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes

Janice Watts  yes  carried



Janice Watts moved to excuse Tayler Summers, Student Representative, from the meeting.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes

Janice Watts  yes  carried



Other Reports
The Board did not have any questions about the other reports.



Mr. Green said that students would have early release for the remainder of the week due to parent/teacher conferences.

Mr. Green discussed the geo-thermal testing that is happening at the new high school site. Geo-thermal heating is being considered as an operational cost-saving addition to the new high school. The company doing the testing told Michael that preliminary testing shows the site may be a good one for this type of heating.

Michael added an item about an April 17th WQCC meeting to the discussion items for tonight’s meeting.



ESD 112 Report to Partners
Mr. Green thought the Board would enjoy reading this report from ESD 112.  He said it was very well done.

National Board Cohort Thank You
The Board received another thank you card from the members of the National Board Cohort group.







Jim Bays asked Board members about conducting the Superintendent Evaluation at the April 22nd meeting, as they are late getting this done this year. Jim checked to see if all would be able to attend and participate.



Agenda Planning for April 17th WQCC Meeting
Mr. Green asked for agenda ideas for the April 17th WQCC meeting. Tina Cayton said that she didn’t think they should have a meeting if there wasn’t enough to discuss. The Board agreed that an update on the new high school project would be a good item, if they are going to have a meeting. Michael will discuss agenda with the representatives of the Port and City and see if they have enough agenda items to discuss to make a meeting worthwhile.

WHS Phase 1 Overview and ACOE Wetlands Permit Overview
Michael Green said that Board members would be asked to give authorization to proceed with bidding of Phase 1 (rammed aggregate pier install and preload)  at this meeting. Kelley Wilson and Francis Naglich were present to provide an overview of Phase 1 and an update of the wetland permit process with the Army Corp of Engineers (ACOE), so that the board can make informed decisions about the project. Kelley discussed the timing and scope of the work with the Board, as well as the anticipated risks and fiscal impacts associated with waiting on Phase 1 until the District had the wetland fill permit in hand. 

The Board discussed the considerations of Phase 1; weighing the risks of waiting and the risks of proceeding. Francis Naglich indicated that in his experience the Army Corps always approved applications.  Sometimes they were delayed, other times they included modifications in scope of projects, but they were always approved for this type of work.   There is no guarantee in the timing of the ACOE permit, but it is expected to be issued mid-summer, after work on Phase 1 has begun.

Delaying bidding and beginning Phase 1 until after the ACOE issues a permit, would push the project out of the 2013 funding window from OSPI and delay the project, at a minimum, ten months.  It is anticipated that the one-year delay in the project would result in a significant increase in the cost of construction due to labor and materials cost increases.

The Board discussed the issues. Jim Bays said that he didn’t want the delay of a fall opening in 2015 to drive Board decisions. He was concerned about taking the risk of putting money into the property if we might have to sell the property down the road, if the permit doesn’t come through for the wetlands mitigation work.  He thought the District would lose money on the property if it is sold. He said he thinks the Board should be more conservative about this. Other Board members were more concerned that delays would escalate costs. Tina Cayton said she thinks that it’s more conservative to worry about the escalating costs than the possibility of the permit not coming through, as the risk of that is lower.

The Board understood that they would be able to consider not awarding the bid in May, should the ACOE permit appear to be delayed or at risk of not being issued.

Michael said, if the Board approved the action item, invitations to bid would go out for bidding on the construction work Wednesday. The schedule shows the Board will vote on bids on May 13th.



Janice Watts  moved to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



WHS Phase 1 Authorization to Proceed with Public Bidding

Tina Cayton moved to authorize the superintendent to publicly request and receive bids for the construction of the building pad preparations, known as Phase 1, for the construction of the new Woodland High School.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried

Resolution No. 2570-Amends Woodland Board Resolution No. 2553.  

Jeremy Stuart moved to approve Resolution No. 2570 as presented.

Janice Watts  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jeremy Stuart  yes  carried

Resolution No. 2571-Concerning The Construction of Woodland High School and Racial Imbalance
Michael explained that the construction of the new high school would not create a racial imbalance. This is a requirement for funding.

Bill Woodard moved to approve Resolution No. 2571 as presented.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried

Resolution No. 2572-Authorization of Signatures (WHS)
This is another requirement for funding of the construction.

Janice Watts moved to approve Resolution No. 2572 as presented.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried

Resolution No. 2573-Concerning the KWRL Modernization and Racial Imbalance
Michael said that the KWRL remodel would not create a racial imbalance.

Bill Woodard moved to approve Resolution No. 2573 as presented.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried

Resolution No. 2574-Authorization of Signatures (KWRL)

Jeremy Stuart moved to approve Resolution No. 2574 as presented.

Janice Watts  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jeremy Stuart  yes  carried

Allocation of Additional Woodland Public School Land for Expansion of the KWRL Facility
The Board discussed the allocation of additional land for the KWRL expansion.

In the event of the dissolution of the Co-op, the land would revert back to Woodland School District. The Board discussed alternative locations for the JV Softball field affected by the expansion.

Janice Watts moved to approve the allocation of additional land to be used for the benefit of the KWRL Cooperative; conditioned upon the Coop relocating the current JV softball field to the desired location between the Primary School and TEAM High School.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried

Approval of Addendum to Architects Agreement with Eric Lanciault, Architect
This change to the fees for the architect and engineer on the Yale project, is due to the recent project revision. Doug Nichols recommended the approval of the addendum.

Jeremy Stuart moved to approve the addendum to the agreement with Eric Lanciault, Architect, as presented.

Janice Watts  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Jeremy Stuart  yes  carried

Second Reading and Approval of Policy Nos. 2121, 3210, 3231, 3414, 4200, 5006, 5201, 5202 and 5280
These policies have not changed since the last meeting, however, Tegan will make a small edit to Policy No. 5201. Jim Bays wanted to be sure that Policy No. 5201 reflected the current practice. Michael said it does.

Tina Cayton moved to approve Policy Nos. 2121, 3210, 3231, 3414, 4200, 5006, 5201, 5202 and 5280 as presented.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried

Recommendation to Increase Substitute Teacher Pay
Michael discussed the recommendation to increase substitute teacher pay, to make our District more attractive to potential substitute teachers. He said some substitutes have cancelled jobs with our District to work for districts that pay more. He looked at a salary survey for certificated subs in the area and is recommending an increase to $120 for full day, and $70 for half day.

Bill Woodard moved to approve increasing the substitute teaching rates as proposed.

Jeremy Stuart  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 7:48pm.



Secretary to the Board





