Mon Jun 27 2011, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


Approval of Apex Contract

To:  Michael Green
From:  Deb Kernen
Re:  APEX Renewal Contract
Date:  June 27,  2011

As you recall, 2 years ago we purchased the APEX Web-based Learning Program.  We have been implementing it in a number of sites in our district that include grades 7-12 general education math classes, LAP Math Academy grades 7/8, TEAM, and Special Ed.  The feedback from staff and students continues to show that it is much more engaging, rigorous and effective learning program that addresses remediation, intervention, credit recovery, and alternative school programs.  Its key features include:

  • Provides intervention and prevention programs that support struggling students. Apex Learning diagnostic assessments, which are integrated into the digital curriculum, first identify the strengths and weaknesses of each student and then create a personalized study plan directing him or her to the most relevant instructional material.
  • Mastery based learning to establish a minimum performance level that must be achieved before students continue on to new material
  • Comprehensive digital curriculum aligned to state and national standards
  • Complete course offering to meet high school graduation requirements and targeted courses to address critical needs in middle school
  • Interactive activities to keep students engaged in rigorous and relevant content

We continue to see the possibilities for having such a versatile program that can be used by many different departments in the district.  I'm happy to report that there is no cost increase to this year's contract.  The cost is split between TEAM high school and LAP. 

Attached Files:
Apex Contract 6-27-11.pdf application/pdf 104B