Wed Jan 12 2011, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


December 20, 2010 Regular Meeting Minutes



December 20, 2010 6:00PM
Regular Meeting-Commons



Jim Bays, Janice Watts, Bill Woodard, Tina Cayton, Michael Green-Secretary and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary



See attached lists.



President, Jim Bays, opened the meeting at 6:00pm and adjourned to Executive Session to discuss personnel. He adjourned the Executive Session and reconvened the meeting at 7:08pm.



Bill Woodard moved to approve Steve Madsen's absence from the meeting.

Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



Tina Cayton moved to approve the November 22 & 29, 2010 regular meeting minutes.

Janice Watts  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Tina Cayton yes  carried



As there were quite a few citizens attending the meeting about a personnel item on the consent agenda, Jim Bays said that the Board agenda would be re-arranged for citizens' convenience.

Mr. Bays said that many were attending the meeting to speak to the termination of Johnnie Johnson on the consent agenda. He said the Board was happy to hear the comments and explained the procedure for doing this. He told the citizens that the Board could not discuss or answer their questions about the item, but that they would take action based on the best interests of the District.

Leanne Sosa, Tracie DeMars, Mandy Kesler, Erica McKay, Sivie Simpson, Jason Holdahl, Laura Morgan, Jose Terrazas, Jane Simpson, Ashley Brooks, Joelle Holdahl, Heather Larrabee, Emily Holt, Austin Shriner, Kathrine Robbins, Marcus Hanley, expressed their concerns about the recommendation of Johnnie Johnson's termination. They said that Johnnie cares about students and they care about him. They asked the Board not to terminate him.

Jim Bays explained that the Board could remove the item from the consent agenda for further discussion if they chose to have another Executive Session at the end of the Board meeting to discuss the item again.

Bill Woodard requested that the termination item be removed from the consent agenda for further discussion.

Janice Watts moved to approve the balance of the consent agenda.

Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried

Mr. Bays said that the Board would go into Executive Session at the end of the meeting and there may or may not be action taken after that. He said that the Board appreciated how well the citizens and students handled themselves during the meeting, and said that Johnnie would be proud of that. He recessed the meeting at 7:48pm.

President Bays, reconvened the meeting at 7:57pm.



Mr. Bays adjusted the agenda, again for staff and guest convenience, to take Action Items next.

Approval of Equestrian Program
Michael Greens said that last summer a parent approached him about starting an Equestrian Program at Woodland School District. He had Paul Huddleston, the new Athletic Director research this. Paul Huddleston discussed this with the Board. He recommended that they start an Equestrian Club, at the District with minimal staff involvement. Jolene Johnson, who is experienced with horses, has agreed to supervise the club. Paul said the program would start with 3 students this year, but there is interest by 10 students for next year. He said that they would start small and work out the bugs and it will grow into a positive thing for students. Paul said that there is always risk, but the risk is minimal. The District will do background checks for volunteers involved in the program, provide meeting space, letters and trophies.  Jim Bays said that they would support the club if they need anything in the future.

Tina Cayton moved to approve the Equestrian Program.

Janice Watts  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Tina Cayton  yes  carried



Mr. Green called for nominations for Board President.

Bill Woodard nominated Jim Bays. There were no other nominations.

Tina Cayton yes
Bill Woodard yes
Janice Watts yes
Jim Bays abstained  carried

President Jim Bays called for nominations for Vice President.

Janice Watts nominated Bill Woodard for Vice President. There were no other nominations.

Tina Cayton yes
Bill Woodard yes
Janice Watts  yes
Jim Bays yes carried

President Jim Bays called for nominations for Legislative Representative.

Tina Cayton nominated Janice Watts for Legislative Representative. There were no other nominations.

Tina Cayton yes
Bill Woodard yes
Janice Watts  yes
Jim Bays yes carried

President Jim Bays called for nominations for WIAA Representative.

Tina Cayton nominated Bill Woodard for WIAA Representative. There were no other nominations.

Tina Cayton yes
Bill Woodard yes
Janice Watts yes
Jim Bays yes carried



There was no Student Representative Report. The Board reviewed the Administrative Reports. Bill Woodard asked if Bill Hanson had received the permit for the TEAM High portable. Michael Green said he had.



Mr. Green showed the Board a new policy search feature on the Woodland School District Website that Steve Rippl just added.

Michael said that John Shoup asked if there was a Board Member interested in attending Challenge Day at the High School on February 8th. This is a day of school culture building.

Mr. Green said that the State met on December 11th and cut $6 million from the budget directly from education this current year. EduJobs funding to prevent teacher job loss was cut $427,979. This is something we never included in the District budget, so it shouldn't affect the District's current operating budget. The impact would be delayed into future budget years; but there was an unexpected K-4 class size reduction enhancement cut of $117,172.31, which is a significant loss to our budget.  It has helped that enrollment is higher than budgeted. It has also helped that the fund balance has increased from 4.4% to 8.8% to cushion the blow, due to staff exercising great austerity practices.  This year the District will have to plan for the next difficult years ahead. 

Mr. Bays said that he discussed the District's fund balance increase with other district representatives at the WSSDA conference and they couldn't believe that we have been able to operate so well.  The Board discussed the budget.






Asha Riley invited the Board to the January 5th celebration of success to the District's 5 National Board Certified Members, in the Board Room from 3:30-4:30pm.



WSSDA Conference Review
Board Members asked to have this item moved to the next agenda.



Board Goals Workplan
Mr. Green asked for Board thoughts on the Workplan. Jim Bays said the Board needs to finalize this in the not too distant future.  Bill thanked Asha for her work on this. Jim thanked all the administrators for their input. The Workplan will be presented for approval on January 10th.

Policy No. 5410-Holidays-Revision-First Reading
The Board discussed the policy revision which would clarify the intent of the policy about Holidays. It will return to the agenda at the next meeting for second reading and approval.



President, Jim Bays, recessed the meeting into executive session at 8:32 pm to discuss personnel. Action may be taken upon return.

President, Jim Bays, reconvened the meeting into regular session at 9:36pm.



Janice Watts moved to approve the recommendation of termination from the consent agenda.

Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes
Jim Bays  yes  carried



President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 9:38 pm.



Secretary to the Board





