Mon Sep 13 2010, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


August 23, 2010 Regular Meeting Minutes



August 23, 2010 7:00PM
Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room



Jim Bays, Janice Watts, Bill Woodard, Tina Cayton, Michael Green-Secretary and Vicky Barnes-Substitute Recording Secretary



Stacy Brown and Asha Riley



Bill Woodland moved to approve Steve Madsen's absence.

Tina Cayton-Yes
Bill Woodard-Yes
Janice Watts-Yes



Tina Cayton moved to approve July 12, 2010 minutes.

Tina Cayton-Yes
Bill Woodard-Yes
Janice Watts-Yes

Janice Watts moved to approve July 26, 2010 minutes.

Tina Cayton-Yes
Bill Woodard-Yes
Janice Watts-Yes



Jim Bays asked if there were any questions. There were none.



Mr. Green reported the schools are busy getting ready for next week. The first two days of next week will be used for staff meetings and preparing for students. Students begin Wednesday.



Mr. Green received a letter from DNR that expressed gratitude to the Yale Staff and Yale community in their response to the recent fire at Yale. Mr. Green was able to go up to Yale School during the fire. The community's response was wonderful. He mentioned Don Stuart, Gary Stuart and Paul Cline as individuals who were very helpful.






Bill Woodard reported he has read that Ridgefield School District had received a cash settlement from their insurance company in regards to the employee embezzlement.



First reading for the following Policies:

Policy No.2004
Policy No. 2410
Policy No. 3225
Policy No. 3241
Policy No. 6530

Mr. Green explained the policies were either updating or correcting current policies. He said Policies Nos. 2004 and 2410 simply changed references to the WASL to read Statewide Assessment; Policy No. 3225 was updated because WSSDA used different language that better explained expectations in reference to cell phone usage at school.  This is especially germane in light of last year's dealing with a WIS student who had pornography on his cell phone.

Mr. Green said Policy No. 3241 reflected a change in Federal law so the change in the policy is for compliance.

Mr. Green said that Policy No. 6530 was a correction in the policy to reflect that we belong to a workers' comp pool.

Bill Woodard asked if teachers felt there were clear expectations with cell phones. Mr. Green explained teachers use their own discretion in applying it to their classrooms. Jim Bays said he didn't think it was appropriate for students in WPS or WIS to have phones at school. Mr. Green said that phone usage at those levels were used more to communicate scheduling with parents after school. Bill Woodard asked if there would be a need in the future for a policy in dealing with IPads. Mr. Green said they would fall into this policy.

Mr. Green recommended moving these policies to the next agenda for second reading and approval.



Jim Bays asked about a bill for Student Threat Assessment. Mr. Green said this money was paid to Riverview Counseling for assessment made concerning an expelled student who had requested re-enrollment. Mr. Green said that students are expelled until re-admitted and Riverview provides an assessment on our request in order for the district to determine if returning the expelled child to school poses an undue risk to students, staff, or the learning environment.  Janice Watts asked if students were ever turned away and not allowed to re-enroll based on these assessments. Mr. Green said yes, they are expelled until we re-admit and in the past students have not been re-admitted due to the assessment.

Jim Bays asked about a reimbursement made to Beaver Boosters. Stacy Brown said a couple of years ago there had been a break-in at the Beaver Den and damage had been incurred. The restitution check for the damage had been made out to the district so it was deposited and then a check was written to Beaver Boosters.

Jim Bays asked about the Capital Projects Permitting and wondered if it should have been for KWRL instead of WHS. Mr. Green explained this fee was for dealing with the wetlands mitigation options study on the WHS property.

Bill Woodard said he was proud of Linda Morris and her accomplishment of graduating with her teaching certificate. Mr. Green noted that long term sub Candra Owens will begin her assignment at the start of the school year due to the teacher she is replacing taking an earlier leave.

Jim Bays said he appreciated seeing the resumes of the long term substitutes because of the background it gives.

Bill Woodard moved to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Tina Cayton-Yes
Bill Woodard-Yes
Janice Watts-Yes



Resolution No. 2538-Aquisition of Property for a KWRL Center

Mr. Green said that due diligence on the new KWRL satellite property is complete and the sale will close at the beginning of September. This resolution is necessary as a part of closing. Bill Woodard asked if they might be able to use grant money to build a facility there. Mr. Green said that because they were a Co-op they could be eligible for up to 90% match on allowable construction costs from the state. Bill Woodard asked if there were plans to put in a fuel tank to dispense with wet hosing. Mr. Green said that was a logical step but no formal plans have been made. Jim Bays asked if there was any problem with Ridgefield doing the initial purchase. Mr. Green said Leanne Bremer has worked on the purchase and there were no problems.

Janice Watts moved to approve Resolution No. 2538.

Tina Cayton-Yes
Bill Woodard-Yes
Janice Watts-Yes

Resolution No. 2539-Interlocal Agreement
Mr. Green recommended approval of this resolution.   It will allow the district to join a cooperative of other CWCOG members in purchasing Kaiser Insurance.  The benefit will flow to employees in the form of slightly lower medical, dental, and vision rates; as well it is expected that as members of the insurance pool employees will see less dramatic year-to-year fluctuations in health insurance premiums.  This is a zero cost item to the district.

Bill Woodard moved to approve Resolution No. 2539.

Tina Cayton-Yes
Bill Woodard-Yes
Janice Watts-Yes

Textbook Approval: Wood, Gordon S.; The American Revolution, A History.
Director of Learning, Asha Riley spoke on behalf of Shari Conditt about a request for a book that would be used in her AP US History course. The book meets the rigor and standards required for the course, and has been approved by LCC. The book was also approved by the curriculum adoption committee.

Tina Cayton moved to approve The American Revolution, A History.

Tina Cayton-Yes
Bill Woodard-Yes
Janice Watts-Yes

Approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement with Woodland Secretarial Association.
Mr. Green pointed out the revisions made to the current Secretarial agreement.

Janice Watts moved to approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement with Woodland Secretarial Association.

Tina Cayton-Yes
Bill Woodard-Yes
Janice Watts-Yes



Board President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 7:32pm.



Secretary to the Board





