Mon Feb 22 2010, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


February 8, 2010 Regular Meeting Minutes


February 8, 2010 7:00PM
Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room



Jim Bays, Janice Watts, Bill Woodard, Tina Cayton, Steve Madsen, Chelsey Rohm-Student Representative, Michael Green-Secretary, and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary



Deb Kernen, Craig Downs, Mark Houk, Chris Wiseman, Dan Uhlenkott, John Shoup, Oliver Moss and Jennifer Farrar.



Bill Woodard moved to approve the minutes of the January 25, 2010 regular meeting.

Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes
Jim Bays  yes  carried



Janice Watts asked Dan Uhlenkott about students who had been suspended or expelled at TEAM High.  Dan said that he had worked with the students but couldn't help them and so they are not allowed back at TEAM. There are students waiting to attend the school who are willing to follow the school's rules.



Chelsey Rohm reported that WHS students of the month for January. They were: Freshmen: Austin Reynolds and Taylor Rosenbalm; Sophomores: Courtney Tipton and Star Preston; Juniors: Nicole Sallee and Jasmine Webb; Seniors: Jessica Pain and Sean Gleason. The High School will be holding a talent show again this year. It will be on February 27th at 7pm in the Commons.  The ASB met and discussed Bill Woodard's idea of students getting more involved with clubs.  The ASB members decided to try a Club Fair during Opportunity Time or Advisory, where students can learn more about clubs from representatives.  Bill suggested that the ASB get ideas for clubs from students and other schools in the area. Chelsey said that the ASB officers also discussed upcoming budget cuts.




Mr. Green said that tomorrow is election day and the County Auditors' Office said that they should have numbers for the M&O levy shortly after 8pm. Michael will post the results on the website and Twitter.

Last year the High School had DECA. But this year they have changed to FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America). The FBLA student attended a competition last week and 28 students placed. Joan Swett had done a very successful job with the students. Craig Downs and John Shoup attended as judges.

At the last meeting the Board asked about declining enrollment at the Primary School. Mark Houk supplied some information to Michael. The school had lost 36 students since October. This number included 29 families moving from the District; 15 moved out of state and 11 stayed in the area, but out of the community. Three families chose to homeschool or try online schools. These numbers are related to jobs and housing. People are going where the jobs are.



Thank You Letters
Michael Green read a thank you letter from the Board to Kim Seay and her Creative Chefs Class for catering the Joint Meeting of the Board, Woodland City Council and the Port of Woodland. He also read a letter thanking Burgerville for their donation of sundaes and two employees for the WIS Book Exchange and an ongoing award program for WIS students.



Jennifer Farrar, a parent asked questions about options for education for her son who is unable to attend school at the current time.

Oliver Moss was in the audience to fulfill criteria for his eagle badge.



Steve Madsen said he needed some information for a mock trial competition by tomorrow. He will talk with Michael after the meeting.

Jim Bays said he would like to start the superintendent evaluation process at the next regular Board meeting.  He said the Board will use a similar process as last year.

Janice Watts asked how Michael, Jim Bays and Bill Woodard's trip to Olympia went. They had gone to discuss District priorities with legislators. They met with Jaime Herrera and Ed Orcutt. Senator Zarelli cancelled at the last minute and was not in Olympia that day. Jim said that they gave the legislators food for thought. Legislators were unaware of the transportation funding issue and both were for levy equalization.

Tina Cayton suggested that more clear information could be given to parents of college bound students for understanding credits needed.  John Shoup said that they try to do this, but it is difficult because different colleges have different requirements.  The Board discussed ideas for this. Michael said it is pretty explicit in the handbook. John said that they will post the handbook page information on additional places on the website.



2010 Budget Review Process
The Board looked at and discussed Michael's recommendation for the 2010 budget review. He said it would be a similar process as last year, but won't go quite as in depth with the team, since they just went through the process last spring. Michael asked the Board for feedback on his recommendations.  The Board added a Budget Advisory Team (BAT) Report to the Board at the March 22nd meeting. They agreed that they would prefer to get the recommendations before they discuss them at a public forum. Jim asked Chelsey if she thought two students would be interested in being a part of the Budget Advisory Team (BAT). She said she would, and she knew that she could get another student to attend. Tina Cayton and Bill Woodard volunteered to be the Board representatives.  Michael said that Wednesdays would probably be the best days for the meetings.

Draft Strategic Goals Work Plan
Michael went over his work plan of what's been done and what's being worked on in regards to the Board's goals for the District.  The Board discussed the document page by page.  Michael said he was working on wetland mitigation and other work related to the new high school property. Craig said that he and the High School staff are doing ongoing work on cross-crediting with CTE courses.  Jim Bays says he really loves the Great News idea and thinks that it is very positive information for everyone.  Michael said that the District is constantly improving purchasing practices.

Policy No. 2024-Online Learning-First Reading
The Board discussed this policy that is required for Online Learning. Mr. Green said that this policy will be on the next agenda for second reading and approval.

School Board Goal No. 3
Craig Downs presented information on where we are and the work being done on School Board Goal No. 3-Our schools will provide opportunities for students to be exposed to and acquire twenty-first century career options and work skills.  The District will explore opportunities to enhance career and technical education of students. Craig discussed the Opportunity Internship, SEMI High Tech U, Career Fair at LCC, Parent and Student High School and Beyond Guides and SWW Medical Center programs that are available for students to learn about careers.



Consent Agenda

Bill Woodard moved to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Steve Madsen  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried






Board President, Jim Bays, recessed the meeting into executive session at 8:40pm to discuss personnel with no action to be taken upon return.

Board President, Jim Bays, reconvened the meeting into regular session at 9:04pm.



Board President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 9:04pm.



Secretary to the Board





