Mon Nov 23 2009, 7:00pm
District Meeting Room Portable
Regular Meeting


November 9, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes


November 9, 2009 7:00PM
Regular Meeting-District Meeting Room



Jim Bays, Janice Watts, Bill Woodard, Tina Cayton, Steve Madsen, Chelsey Rohm-Student Representative, Michael Green-Secretary, and Tegan Steen-Recording Secretary



Patricia Stepp, Craig Downs, Stacy Brown, Deb Kernen, Cari Thomson, Chris Wiseman, Mark Houk, John Shoup, Jennifer Cullison and Matt Brkljacich.



Bill Woodard moved to approve the minutes of the October 26, 2009 regular meeting.

Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried



Chelsey Rohm reported red, white and blue day is tomorrow.  There will be an ASB meeting on November 19th. Chelsey asked to be able to comment on the policy regarding electronic devices. Jim Bays said that she could add comment when they discuss the policy under discussion item A.



Janice Watts said she was amazed at the WIS students exceeded their 2008/2009 school year total of Campbell's soup labels collected by 50%. Woodland Intermediate School will receive $585 for their efforts. Bill Woodard said that he didn't know that Yale students came down to WPS for Veterans Day. Mark Houk said that the gyms fill up on that day.




Michael Green said that the election results have been up and down, but that Steve Madsen is ahead of Pat Stepp by 10 votes at this point. The results will not be certified until November 24th. If nothing changes there will be a recount. Mr. Green said that Measure 1033 had been defeated and that was positive for the District.

Yale had 25 out of 48 students out sick last week; largely with flu-like symptoms.  He and Bill Woodard had been ill and missed the KWRL meeting, but Stacy Brown and Steve Madsen were able to attend.

Michael gave Steve a card and wished him a happy birthday on Wednesday.

Mr. Green had handed out two documents before the meeting. One document was a letter to the ESD Specialized Transportation Coop saying that KWRL was pulling out of the Coop because they feel that it would be fiscally better for the KWRL Coop to provide this service. The second document was a draft of a 2010-2011 calendar from the calendar committee. The committee approved this calendar today at their meeting. It will be brought to the Board for approval at the next meeting.

Steve Madsen asked if there was a press release about the high number of absences at Yale School. Michael said that there was a broad awareness of it up at Yale and that the Health Dept. had warned Districts to be careful of setting off a panic.  Mark said that they had contacted the Health Dept. about the 17 students that were absent today.  They had put together a letter to send home with the students.  Bill Hanson had custodian disinfect the school before the day started.










Steve Madsen had attended the KWRL annual Board meeting and requested that members get a "dumbed-down" version of the executive summary so that they could understand the report. The members discussed site acquisition and how a comprehensive plan issue could affect parcels available.  Stacy said that KWRL is right on track. Because there is no need for bus purchases because of lack of growth, there is money available for the purchase of special education buses.  The Board discussed Steve's report.

Bill Woodard said that he will be attending the WSSDA conference and had emailed Board members the agenda. He asked Board members to let him know if they would like information on any of the topics.



Senior Exit Interview Presentation
John Shoup showed the Board the questions that he asks seniors at their exit interview.  He uses the data to share with staff for school improvement.  He said he interviews each senior for 10-60 minutes.  Cindy Hadaller helps schedule the interviews. John said that because of new technology, he is able to share the information more widely with staff.



Policy 3225-Personally Owned Telecommunications and Electronic Devices
After the last meeting, this policy was edited with specific wording about what is appropriate for cell phone use.  The Board discussed the policy. The Board agreed that they did not think cell phones should be used in class. The policy will return on the next agenda for second reading and approval.

M&O Levy Discussion 
Mr. Green recommended (informally) that the Board pursue a 2 year levy and maintain the amount or increase slightly over the two years.  He said that the economic challenges over a 4 year period could create problems for the District.  He feels it is not the right time to increase taxes in our community. While nobody thought that having elections three years in a row (levy, bond, levy) was a good idea, they felt the economy was too unstable and agreed with the recommendation . There will be a community meeting where Michael will gather feedback and bring that to the Board along with a formal recommendation.



Consent Agenda
A classified position was missing from the agenda, due to an electronic update error. The item was for approval of Linda Roff as a 2.75 hr. hire as a kitchen helper from November 10, 2009 through April 23, 2010.

Steve Madsen moved to add the classified item E to the consent agenda. 

Janice Watts  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Steve Madsen  yes  carried

Janice Watts moved to approve the revised consent agenda as revised.

Steve Madsen  yes
Tina Cayton  yes
Bill Woodard  yes
Janice Watts  yes  carried

Jim Bays apologized to Chelsey Rohm for not asking her input on Policy No. 3225 when they were discussing it earlier. She said that Mr. Shoup had covered what she would've said.  She added that she's heard that parents would be very upset if cell phones were taken from students and would demand them back. Mr. Shoup said that they would give them back to the parents. Jim said that the Board has taken these steps to make the policy against cell use in the classroom stronger.

Stacy said that at the last Board meeting the Board noticed that the classified hires showed up twice. Stacy said she checked with Margaret Wilson and she said that the hiring was in one section and the extra-curricular contract was in the other section.  Michael doesn't think this is necessary and will check into it.



Board President, Jim Bays, recessed the meeting into executive session at 8:26pm for a grievance hearing and to discuss a property issue with no action to be taken upon return.

Board President, Jim Bays, reconvened the meeting into regular session at 10:00pm.



Board President, Jim Bays, adjourned the meeting of the Board of Directors at 10:00pm.



Secretary to the Board





