Woodland’s beliefs regarding professional growth and evaluation

While there are many reasons to measure teacher and principal effectiveness, in Woodland we believe the ultimate goal of all measures should be to improve teaching and learning. We believe that professional conversation is the most powerful approach to promoting teacher learning and that these conversations must be grounded in an instructional framework that informs and identifies effective practices that improve student learning. A reflective conversation about practice requires us to understand, analyze, and respond to student learning in the classroom.

 Therefore teacher evaluations should:

  • Focus on learning
  • Support growth
  • Guide instruction
  • Be a collaborative process between teachers and administrators

Woodland's Instructional Framework

A committee comprised of both union and administrative staff reviewed the three State models districts may choose from to articulate the evaluation continuum. Upon reviewing the three models, the committee unanimously recommended the Danielson Rubric to define our district evaluation. Below are the reasons the committee recommends the Danielson rubric.

  • Danielson’s model offers the most opportunity for reflection and growth
  • Descriptions in the continuums are thorough and commonly understood

Criteria Snapshot Document  The snapshot document briefly outlines all components evaluated in the new evaluation. 

Focused and Comprehensive Evaluations

Below is a link that clarifies some key elements of each form and how they compare.

Focused/Comprehensive Comparison

The rating of teacher performance will be according to the following rubric. 

Criteria Rubric

Key Terms Definitions 
Multiple Measures and Evidence

The measures and evidence are used to determine the “teacher's performance along a continuum that indicates the extent to which the criteria have been met or exceeded.” The measures used in the evaluation system should have a strong correlation to the criteria being evaluated.
There are four areas under the measures of evidence section.
1. Classroom observation
2. Teacher self-assessment
3. Student growth data
4. Other measures/evidence

Focused Evaluation

Includes an assessment of 1 of the 8 criteria. Student growth rubrics from one of the three criteria (3,6,8)

Comprehensive Evaluation

To occur at least once every 6th year for all staff, all provisional teachers, and any classroom teachers who received a Basic or Unsatisfactory evaluation in the year prior. 

Student growth (learning)

The growth in subject matter knowledge, understanding, and skill over time.

Student achievement

The status of subject matter knowledge, understanding, and skills at one point in time.

Resources for Teachers


Please feel free to direct any questions to Asha Riley via Contact form