Directions for Local Scholarship Application Process:

l. Begin your application for local scholarships only after reading steps 1-11. The online application will open December 10th, 2024, and will close on April 6th, 2025, at midnight.

2. Log in here, Local Scholarship Application with your school Google account. Use your school account. 

3. To the right of the local scholarship application page, you will find a menu with three links under Local Scholarships: 1) Scholarships; 2) Checklist, and 3) Application.

4. Now look at the Scholarships link. Carefully read the list of local scholarships available to graduating seniors. Be sure to note the description and criteria for each scholarship so that you are applying only for those scholarships for which you are eligible. Note, some of the scholarships require additional forms, letters, or essays. Please check back often for additional scholarships.

5. The Checklist link is a worksheet for you to complete as you complete your applications. This lists the requirements that apply to each scholarship. You must check off all of the requirements listed as you complete each application.

6. The last link is the Application Form. Here you will find the blank form for the local scholarship application and any additional essays depending on which scholarships you are applying for. You will be writing your essay(s) using business formatting. Skip a line between paragraphs instead of indenting. (the portal will not recognize indenting) You will need two letters of recommendation from teachers and/or community members, saved as PDFs. These letters must be requested at least four weeks in advance of the application due date.

7. Upon application completion, your transcript and attendance record will be uploaded by our Registrar, Mrs. Brand. You can verify this on your checklist.

8. Your application will only be seen by the specific donor if a “Yes” appears in the completed column for that particular scholarship.

9. The deadline for all applications is April 6th, 2025 at midnight.

10. Some of the scholarship committees will request interviews with specific students. You will be notified via your WHS school email account if you are invited to interview.

11. All awards will be announced at the Senior Recognition Night. Please plan to attend.