Below are descriptions of some of the digital resources available through the WHS Library.
Library Catalogs
WHS Destiny Discover and WHS Library Classic
Use these links to find books in the WHS library! Destiny Discover provides a more visual, user friendly search experience while Destiny Classic allows more options for limiting your search.
Use Sora to access digital and audiobooks and read or listen instantly from your Chromebook. Be sure to click HERE for video instructions on linking your account to the public library. Otherwise you will only have access to a very limited number of titles.
Use this link to access Fort Vancouver Regional Library’s online resources and services. If asked to log in, use 98674000 followed by your Skyward student ID. Your PIN is the 4-digit year you were born.
Gale Databases
If prompted for a login and password use:
Login: woodlandwa
Password: beavers
Gale In Context: High School
Gale in Context: High School is a general reference collection containing biographies, primary sources, multimedia, critical essays, news, academic journals and more on a wide range of topics.
Gale in Context: Global Issues
Use Gale in Context: Global Issues to analyze important global issues and events through topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content.
Gale eBooks
Gale eBooks is a database of encyclopedias and reference sources for multidisciplinary research.
News and Debate
New York Times
Access the New York Times online for breaking news, multimedia, reviews & opinion on Washington, business, sports, movies, travel, books, jobs, education, and more.
NYT Learning Network
A section of the New York Times online intended for students and teachers with news quizzes, lessons, student opinion, contests, and more.
Get your news here! Newsela offers high quality articles about current events that are written for students. You can even limit articles by reading level and grade level. is a website dedicated to providing unbiased information on controversial issues. If you are working on a debate or trying to decide which side of an issue you stand on, this is your website.
Reader’s Corner
Book Spotlight & Past Featured Books
Each month we feature five new books arriving at our library. Follow this link to see the cover art and descriptions of this month’s spotlighted titles, as well as titles from previous months.
Each year we feature books that are nominated for, or have recently won, an award. We spotlight the Newbery, Printz, Young Readers Choice, Evergreen Young Adult, and YALSA Nonfiction book awards. Use the links to see descriptions of the featured titles from current and past years.