Woodland Middle School is WSD's strong core, consistently finding positive ways to cultivate academic and behavioral growth in the entire learning community.
Our Learning Programs
Woodland Middle School serves approximately 720 students, in grades 5-8. All teachers at Woodland Middle School have structured their curriculum and programs toward continually improving the level of achievement by our students.
We run a seven period a day schedule, with electives being offered in semester increments. Additionally, each student is part of a homeroom that is combined with their first period class. In our core curriculum, a strong emphasis is placed on writing and we offer a tiered reading intervention for students needing additional support. We also provide advanced offerings in both English Language Arts and Mathematics.
We are proud of our elective program as we are able to offer students many choices including classes such as Art, Band, Choir, Technology, Horticulture, Medical Careers, Forensics, Project Based Learning, Robotics, Programming, Weightlifting, Digital Creations, Team Sports, and Lego Team.
Our Students
We have a wide range of extra-curricular offerings that vary each year. Our sports teams are competitive and often find themselves in a position to compete for the league championships. We strive to develop STUDENT athletes. We encourage students to participate in one or more activity during the year and we are proud of the accomplishments of our students both inside and outside of the classroom.