Friday, April 12, 2024
The Woodland School District Board of Directors consists of five school board members, elected by ballot by the registered voters of the district. Except as otherwise provided by law, board members hold office for terms of four years and until their successors are elected and qualified. The terms of board members are staggered as provided by law.
The school board acts as the policy-making body of the district and is responsible and accountable for planning, policy, advocacy, and evaluation. Working within a framework of state and federal laws, the board provides direction for the district, approving policies, making financial decisions, determining building needs, and approving the budget. The board regularly reviews the progress of the district.
The Board of Directors invites and encourages community members to attend board meetings to learn more about how Woodland Public Schools operates and to provide feedback on what they see for the future of your community schools.
Meetings can be attended remotely or in-person. You can find upcoming agendas as well as more information about upcoming meetings from the Board's website by clicking here: