Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Grades K-4 plan to return to school the week of November 2nd

Based on the recent decline in COVID cases, we are very optimistic we may be able to begin returning kids to classrooms the week of November 2nd.

As we experienced before, these plans can be impacted significantly by local COVID cases. Therefore, to give ourselves the safest and most successful return of students to classrooms, we are planning a gradual re-entry. 

With safety in mind we will begin with an A/B model. In this model, we will bring one half of each class in for two full days a week, and continue remote learning the other days. See the sample schedule below. Classes will be divided into groups once we have results from the survey described at the bottom of this letter. You will be notified whether your student will be in A or B group by Friday October 23rd.

K-4 Weekly Schedule

  • Monday: Virtual home learning for all students.
  • Tuesday: Group A attends the classroom, Group B learns from home.
  • Wednesday: Group A attends the classroom, Group B learns from home.
  • Thursday: Group B attends the classroom, Group A learns from home.
  • Friday: Group B attends the classroom, Group A learns from home.

Promoting the Health and Safety of our Students and Staff

Learning to navigate a school environment with the new safety procedures will take intentional, explicit instruction and practice. We can ensure safety if we train our kids well to honor these health and safety practices, such as maintaining social distancing and wearing facial coverings, with fewer students. We are hopeful that by doing this with essentially one half of the student population at a time, we can continue to safely have students in the buildings, for face to face instruction.

We recognize the relationships students have with their teacher is critical to their educational success. Forming in person relationships is a positive next step in our return to the classroom. Beginning with smaller in person groups will help solidify these positive connections between students and teachers as they have more time in the classroom with fewer kids.

With established safety practices and continued decline in COVID-19 cases, we hope to return all students every day as soon as we can safely do so.  We will keep you informed of this potential full return. 

In preparation for this transition to the classroom, remember all immunizations must be up to date, as well as school administered medications. We will be addressing questions and discussing this plan during your upcoming parent conference the week of October 26th. If you have not yet scheduled your parent teacher conference, please call the school office.

Please review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section below which provides helpful details about this process.

Full Student Schedule - Student Hours from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Virtual Day for A & B
Cohort A at School
Cohort A at School
Cohort B at School
Cohort B at School
Cohort A
Student Schedule

Whole Class Virtual Synchronous
Instruction mirrors what we are currently doing

Attend school face-to-face learning

At-Home Asynchronous Learning
Specialist lessons (PE, Music, Art) from home for 45 minutes a day

Attend school face-to-face learning

At-Home Asynchronous Learning
Specialist lessons (PE, Music, Art) from home for 45 minutes a day

Asynchronous Home Learning
-iReady ELA
Teacher Assigned Lessons
- iReady Math
Teacher Assigned Lessons
- 1 Mystery Science Lesson
- Typing Club

Asynchronous Home Learning
-iReady ELA
Teacher Assigned Lessons
- iReady Math
Teacher Assigned Lessons
- 1 Mystery Science Lesson
- Typing Club

Cohort B
Student Schedule
Whole Class Virtual Synchronous
Instruction mirrors what we are currently doing

Asynchronous Home Learning
-iReady ELA
Teacher Assigned Lessons
- iReady Math
Teacher Assigned Lessons
- 1 Mystery Science Lesson
- Typing Club

Asynchronous Home Learning
-iReady ELA
Teacher Assigned Lessons
- iReady Math
Teacher Assigned Lessons
- 1 Mystery Science Lesson
- Typing Club

Attend school face-to-face learning

At-Home Asynchronous Learning
Specialist lessons (PE, Music, Art) from home for 45 minutes a day

Attend school face-to-face learning

At-Home Asynchronous Learning
Specialist lessons (PE, Music, Art) from home for 45 minutes a day


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below are Frequently Asked Questions regarding Woodland's reopening of grades K-4. If you have a question not answered below, please email it to Eric Jacobson, our Communications Manager, at jacobsoe@woodlandschools.org.

Will students be required to wear masks at all times?

Yes. Students will be wearing masks all day except at lunch and snack time. 

Will there be cleaning between Group A and Group B? 

Yes. Our custodial team will continue to do a nightly deep cleaning. 

Will transportation be provided, including a shuttle bus, if necessary?

Yes, as long as your student attended and rode the bus last year (2019-20 school year). If your student is new to the district, a new rider (did not register or ride the bus last year), OR you have changes to your registration (ex: new address), you must register with KWRL that you need transportation for your student/s. Please be sure to register using this link: KWRL Registration Portal.

My student/s pick up and/or drop off address is not my home address. What do I do? 

Be sure to confirm your information with KWRL. If the address is different from last year, you will need to register with KWRL that you need transportation for your student/s. Please be sure to register using this link: KWRL Registration Portal

What time can we drop off our student? Are parents allowed into the building to drop off students? 
  • Columbia Elementary School (CES): 7:40 a.m.
  • North Fork Elementary School (NFES): 7:40 a.m.
  • Yale Elementary School (YALE): 7:50 a.m.

We are asking parents and visitors not to enter the building. If you have a need to meet with a staff member in person, please call ahead to make arrangements.

Will students be offered school breakfast and lunch? What about meal deliveries?

Yes, and meal deliveries will continue to be offered. If your child currently picks up meals at the bus stop, they can continue to do so on their home learning days. 

Will students get to have recess? Will they get to go to the playground at all? What will that look like? 

Yes, they will have recess on the playground. There will be activity stations set up. Each classroom will be at a set station each day. This will ensure that classroom clusters stay together and equipment is not shared between classrooms. 

What will we do with our chromebooks? 

Students will continue to use them at home during the at home learning days. If a student receives intervention support, they will want to bring their chromebook with them to school to receive services. You can clarify with your teacher if this is the case. Each child will receive a carrying case for their chromebook.

How are Woodland's schools ensuring students are not exposed to COVID-19?

Parents will be required to complete an attestation every morning their child comes to school, confirming their child is symptom free, without a fever, and have not been exposed to anyone with COVID -19. 

If a child develops symptoms during the school day, they will be sent to the nurse’s office for immediate pick up and the room will be cleaned. 


For regular updates and more information:
Visit our COVID-HQ Website by clicking here