Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Employee of Excellence award winners

Every year, Woodland Public Schools invites staff and community members to nominate employees whose efforts have exceeded expectations for the Employee of Excellence awards. 

These awards recognize individual employees for creating a positive, caring, and productive school environment through exceptional effort, dedication, or performance in their areas of responsibility. 

The statewide school closure due to COVID-19 prevents the district from recognizing the award winners in the traditional fashion during the end-of-year staff luncheon, however, those very circumstances preventing the recognition ceremony serves as a testament to how deserving these employees are of their awards.

This year’s Employee of Excellence Award Winners are Bertha Bourke, Donna Carnes, Pamela “Pam” Dietrich, Nicole Galloway, and Kim Gustainis. While not employees of the district, the district is also recognizing two contractors this year for services above and beyond the call: “Communications Champ” Eric Jacobson and “Rock Star Lunch Lady” Laura Perry.

Award winners were recognized with special visits from Superintendent Michael Green, Assistant Superintendent Asha Riley, and Human Resources Director Vicky Barnes who gave each recipient balloons and a plaque recognizing their contributions.

WEA - Pam Dietrich

A few comments from those who nominated Pam:

  • “Pam is caring, hard-working, patient, dedicated, passionate, nurturing, and giving.”
  • “Pam loves her students. Working with kids who come from difficult situations, she is the most supportive teacher I have met. She is there for each student in and out of school and is willing to give the shirt off her back to make sure they have what they need.”
  • “Pam is a true advocate for the needs of her students and their families.” 
  • “The students love Mrs. Dietrich. She holds them accountable both academically and behaviorally. Even after students exit her program, or move on to high school, she continues to check in with them. It is apparent in everything Pam does that she truly cares about all of her students.” 
  • “Pam is one of those teachers. You know the ones? The ones who amaze you as you watch from the sidelines wondering how they do everything that they do. Pam has the best relationships with her kids. She knows them in and out. She makes teaching personal –  she knows what they have, what they need, and how to reach them.”

SEIU - Bertha Bourke

A few comments from those who nominated Bertha:

  • “Bertha is dependable, cheerful, organized, and friendly.”
  • “Bertha has got to be one of the most positive and kindest people I have ever known. Even before the pandemic and subsequent statewide school closure, she demonstrated kindness to our students/parents/and staff. You would never know when Bertha is having a bad day, she comes to work with such a bright smile on her face.” 
  • “Bertha has worked her tail off every day getting the proper number of meals ready and getting them on the buses, loading and unloading, all while coming up with ideas to make the system more efficient – the list goes on!”

KWRL - Donna Carnes

A few comments from those who nominated Donna:

  • “Donna Carnes has transported special needs students for KWRL since 1995. Over the past 25 years, Donna has served many students with many conditions and needs.”
  • “Donna doesn't withhold her knowledge and experiences but instead imparts her knowledge and experience with other drivers whenever possible to help serve students in the charge of all KWRL drivers.”

WSA - Kim Gustainis

A few comments from those who nominated Kim:

  • “Kim exemplifies the top level of performance in her field. She is able to organize the administration of 11 district-wide programs as well as greet and meet the needs of patrons in the front office of the Woodland School District.”
  • “Kim does everything while maintaining the utmost professionalism with an infectious positive attitude.”

Non Rep - Nicole Galloway

A few comments from those who nominated Nicole:

  • “Nicole is calm, collected, and sharp. There is literally no problem that she cannot help with or fix.”
  • “Nicole helps make sure everything runs smoothly and, the entire time, she has a smile on her face and a calm demeanor. Her feathers do not get ruffled. Who can say that?”
  • “Nicole is organized, detailed and thorough – a true inspiration – she is the whole package wrapped into one. She is truly excellent at all things she does. Nicole is one-in-a-million.”

Communications Champ – Eric Jacobson

A few comments from those who nominated Eric:

  • “Eric invested countless hours ensuring our community of students, staff, and parents had answers to critical questions during uncertain times.”
  • “Eric helped our community navigate the K-4 reconfiguration, levy information, the uncertain Covid-19 crises, and continually reminded us to celebrate what matters most – student learning.” 
  • “Eric’s communications kept us connected, inspired, and hopeful. As I look back at the numerous communications he generated, it reminds me of snapshots theme parks take on roller coaster rides. It was a wild year, and while we wanted to scream, cry, or simply laugh at the insanity of it all... Eric somehow made it look like an amazing ride.”

Rock Star Lunch Lady – Laura Perry

A few comments from those who nominated Laura:

  • “Coordinating the food service delivery since the shutdown, Laura has been an absolute rock star and I can't sing her praises enough!”
  • “Laura has been absolutely fantastic! She has worked so hard to ensure the food needed for every meal is ordered, delivered, and properly prepared. She coordinated the kitchen staff and additional non-kitchen staff we have coming in to help prepare meals all while coming up with great ideas for new items to give to the kids to make this program not just necessary, but actually fun and exciting!”
  • “I have spoken with other districts, and I don't think anyone provides food services as well as Woodland has been during this closure, and it’s all thanks to Laura and her team.”

Woodland Public Schools accepts nominations for the Employee of Excellence Awards from both staff and community members throughout every school year from its website at www.woodlandschools.org.

Do you have a remote learning story you’d like to share?

Please send it with pictures and/or video to Eric Jacobson, our Communications Manager, at jacobsoe@woodlandschools.org