Mon Jun 25 2018, 5:30pm
WHS Room 2203
Regular Meeting


Woodland High School Report

To: Michael Green

From: John Shoup

Date: 6/18/18

Re: June Review

Here is an overview of the key activities we worked on in relation to teaching and learning this month.

Monday’s: We used one of our Monday’s for School Improvement planning and the others for department collaboration time.  All went well and again, we are so grateful for this time to work together.

Other information: Graduation went well and we had our debrief meeting today. We did have one parent complain (and tweet) about our epic fail to not have the kids facing the grandstands, but overall, we thought it was the proper and correct way to stage the event.   Our team really thought outside was fine in spite of all the wind.  The grandstands were full, the ASL translation worked well, and with the exception of our Spanish Translator picking up the wrong microphone, that went well too.   The senior MVP breakfast, graduates parade, Baccalaureate, and the rest of the last week for seniors occurred without incident and we received quite a bit of positive feedback. Thanks to our entire team who helped to make this a reality.    We are conducting finals this last week of school with students being released early on Tuesday-Thursday after taking two finals, thus allowing my teachers time to adequately grade those finals.  Friday is also an early release day, culminating with awards assemblies for each grade level. 

State Testing: We did finish our state testing for ELA during the sophomores and juniors last week and that also went very smooth.