Mon Apr 11 2016, 5:30pm
Woodland Intermediate School Library
Regular Meeting


Woodland Middle School Report

To: Michael Green
From: Jake Hall
Date: April 1, 206
Re: Woodland Middle School Report


March 2016 was a busy month at WMS!  In addition to teaching and learning every school day, all of our students were involved in interim state testing!  We also had some significant events such as a trip to Lower Columbia College for 8th grade girls, spring conferences and the annual WMS Talent Show!  We are currently preparing WMS families for the mandatory Sexual Education and HIV prevention, following specific guidelines from OSPI.  More information on these topics are provided in this report.

  • Pizza, Pop and Powertools
  • Spring Conferences Report
  • Sexual Education and HIV Prevention
  • WMS Annual Talent Show Expands!

Pizza, Pop and Powertools

On 3.24.16 a group of 50 WMS 8th Grade girls attended "Pizza, Pop & Power Tools" at Lower Columbia College. They experienced the trades including electrical safety with PUD, welding, construction, fire fighting, and more. They also had a tire changing competition and learned about building with Habitat for Humanity. Our girls had FUN and were well behaved, representing WMS well! Way to go, Trojans!! The future is very bright!

Spring Conferences Report

This spring we utilized “Skyward Scheduling” for the majority of our conferences.  We had 100% of our students’ families invited and nearly 100% participated.  After being prepared by WHS counselors and their WMS Homeroom teachers, all WMS 8th grade students conferenced with their families specifically about their individual WHS schedule for 2016-17!  

In monitoring the conferences we have found a few things to improve upon with regard to the technology of scheduling conferences and we will adjust for Fall conferences.  We also tried having the scheduled conferences altogether in the same room -- 5th and 6th in the Commons, 7th and 8th in the Library -- and that “arena style” worked well in most cases.  We are working on a plan to provide individual room conferences in the future for those families that wish to meet in a smaller setting.  

Sexual Education and HIV Prevention

We are preparing for our annual instruction of Sexual Health Education and HIV prevention for all 5th-8th grade students as mandated by Washington State Law. Our instruction this year will consist of videos, discussions, and web-based tutorial featuring the latest information presented in the KNOW curriculum as presented by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. As always, the emphasis of the lessons will be abstinence from all sexual activity. All of the materials have been approved by the curriculum committee of the Woodland School District.  

Parents or Guardians who wish to excuse their student may do so per the guidelines from OSPI: preview the curriculum and sign the request to excuse form.  The curriculum preview nights of Wednesday, April 13th and/or Friday, April 15th from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm.  Families have been made aware of this information through email, letters home and the WMS April Newsletter.

Annual Talent Show Expands!

This year we did WMS Talent Show included grades 5 and 6 as well as grades 7 and 8!  We had amazing talent from students in all four grade levels.  Students performed in the auditorium, showing their unique talent in everything from singing, playing musical instruments, and athletic floor routines.  A good time was had by all at the 2015-16 WMS Talent Show!